11: A Day In Kentucky

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Emily's POV

"Emily, come on, come on, Joshy's taking us out for a party day," Taylor tells me dragging me downstairs.

"Where is he taking us?" I asked with a yawn.

I got barely any sleep, between Faith and my problems with nightmares, well I call them bad dreams. I refuse to admit them as nightmares, I don't need help not do I want it. I don't like doctors, and the only I've ever liked was the lady who delivered Faith. That's it.

"Well I don't know, he said its a surprise," Taylor says hopping off the last step.

"Okay, I'll go get Faith," I say turning on my heel.

"Actually Josh says we're getting a babysitter," Taylor says.

"What?" I ask.

"A babysitter," she says.

"Where is he?" I ask calmly but my anger rises.

"In the basement," she says going to the kitchen.

"Josh!" I call running down the stairs.

"What?" He called back, I reach his voice. Only to find him sitting on the couch tying his shoes

"Taylor said you got Faith a babysitter," I say trying calming my nerves.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" He asks double knotting the laces.

"Yes, I would like to take Faith with us or I'll stay here and watch her," I say confidently.

"What are so worried about?" He asks concerned.

"I said, I'll watch Faith or we take her with us," I growl, I'm not explaining it.

"I know, I just asked what you were worried about," Josh replies in a calm tone.

"I don't want someone else watching Faith," I say through gritted teeth.

"Okay, well then I guess we are taking her but I want you to call Jen and tell her why you don't want a babysitter. I think you deserve some time off from Faith but if you don't want it I'll cancel the sitter. If you call Jen," he bargains.

"Okay fine I'll call her tonight," I sigh heading back up the stairs, letting the anger leave with each step.

"No you'll do it now," he says sternly.

"You aren't my dad," I mutter.

"What?" He asks.

"You aren't my dad," I repeat louder.

"I know but you can't hold it in, Em. I know you can't. I hear you upstairs late at night, you're up. I hear you calm yourself after nightmares. It's okay to fall apart, you need to know now that we're your family. Emily we are gonna be here for you whenever. Don't forget, we're family, I may not be your dad but I still care about you. I still worry about you, now go call your mom," he says ushering me away. I take deep breaths trying to take it all in.

"I still care about you" "I still worry about you" "We're family" his words resound in my head. Jumbled with millions of thoughts.

"Em are you okay?" Taylor says hearing my stuttered breathing.

"Yeah, I'm fine just get ready," I say escaping upstairs. I grab my phone and dial Jen's number. 

(Jen- bold Emily-normal)


Hey, it's me.

Hey, how are you doing?

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