9: When I First Saw You

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Jen's POV

"Truth," I blurt out before instantly feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"Jennifer, why did you pick me?" Josh says looking at me from across the fire pit.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused. I've picked him for lots of things, like teams during our nerf wars.

"You picked me to watch the kids. You picked me to be a guardian for Taylor, Emily, and Faith but why? You could have chosen your parents, or brothers, or Laura or anyone else," he explains.

"I don't know," I say staring at the ground as a spark hits the dirt surrounding the firepit.

"I think you do," he says in a soft tone.

"I just. Uh, when I look at you, I-I see a dad. Someone who's calm, kind, gentle, strong, trustworthy, and wise," I said glancing up at him.

"Oh," he breathes out.

"I remember that sparkle from you brown eyes under the moonlight in Hawaii. The gleaming hope and gentle look," I say pouring my heart out.

"When I first saw you in the white dress so many years ago, I felt like you'd make a wonderful parent. I meant you'd be a fabulous mother, I watched you through that whole award show. Your laughs, your smiles, your complexity, you, just you were everything. Your personality just made me happy. The way you did everything, makes my heart flutter," he says making me blush more and more. I hope he just thinks it's the fire and that he doesn't notice.

"Josh, when I first saw you. I knew that you were worth getting to know, but I never guessed that I'd ever fall so much for someone like you. You're my best friend. Now I know you're so much more to me. And I love you," I say those three words again in confidence.

"I love you too," he says beaming.


We spent the next two days hiking and playing in the water. On the last day, we packed up all of our gear and headed home as a family.

The day we got home, we told the girls. Taylor was a bit confused considering she never met any of my boyfriends. It took about ten minutes to explain what the word dating meant but once she understood, she was definitely on board.

Another Joshifer moment.

Favorite summer memory from when you were younger?

Going to mountains and hanging out at the lake with my family.

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