15: Not The Place to Be

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Emily's POV

Josh shakes me awake. Early in the morning.

"Hey, why did you wake me up?" I say stretching my arms.

"Cause it's the first day of school," Josh says turning on the lights.

"Oh, yeah," I say throwing back the covers while squinting at the bright light.

"Well breakfast is downstairs and try not to wake the others," Josh whispers before leaving.

I get up and shower before putting on some summer clothes since it's still pretty warm today.

I get up and shower before putting on some summer clothes since it's still pretty warm today

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I head downstairs to see Josh and Jen talking about something. I don't know it's early and I'm not really awake.

Jen hands me a plate of eggs and toast plus a glass of milk.

"Thank you," I mutter taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"So are you nervous?" Josh starts the conversation.

"A little bit ill be fine," I say.

"Hey don't forget we have to meet with the counselor," Jen reminds me.

"Yeah, I won't," I say.

"Jen, Taylor had me sign her up for Dance with Hayley," Josh says.

"Oh yeah someone was telling me that, do I need to get anything on the way home?" Jen asks.

"Nope we already got it," Josh says in between bites.

"Okay," Jen answers.

"Hurry up, Em you've got to go in ten minutes," Josh says jumping up, he always devours his food.

"Okay," I say hurrying to try to finish.

Two eggs and a piece of toast later in standing by the door taking pictures. First day of school pictures, I've done this since year 2001 but it stopped in 2011 when I first switched foster parents. Jen and Josh take like five pictures before Josh hurries Jen and I out the door.

I grab my blue backpack off the stairs and follow Jen out to the garage. I slide in the passenger seat. And we pull out of the driveway.


We pull up to school and Jen hugs me goodbye and wishes me luck before driving off.

I start walking in to the school. I quickly glanced at my schedule before heading to my first class Science. I walk in to room 234. I take a seat alone in the back while everyone else catches up after the short summer break. A few people said their polite hellos but no one really make any real contact.

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