6: LA Departure

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Emily's POV

Jen wakes me up around three and considering I didn't fall asleep until midnight after talking to Hunter, I wasn't very happy with her. Yesterday was crazy, I went to lunch with some old work friends and Hunter found me. He's either a major stalker or he truly knows everything about LA. Only people who grew up here would know about the restaurant or diner, it has the best food. We didn't talk much at the place but somehow I ended up giving him a phone number and we talked pretty much all night.

I shower and dress in some comfy but cute clothes for our drive today. Next, I dry and brush out my hair before packing a bag of car ride essentials. My phone, charger, headphones, book, and a sweatshirt.

Jen and Josh decided that we should drive to Kentucky, they call it taking the scenic route

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Jen and Josh decided that we should drive to Kentucky, they call it taking the scenic route. I'm calling it hell. Four days in a car with a toddler, a baby, and two slightly insane "adults." I slip on my shoes and head downstairs setting my bag by the door. I notice the door is wide open allowing me to clearly hear Josh and Jen yelling at each other while packing the last of the boxes into the u-haul.

Laughing internally, I head to the kitchen and get down things for cereal. "Good morning," Tayloe smiles through a bite of cereal.

"Good morning," I reply while grabbing the milk from the fridge.

"Is Faith awake?" Taylor asks finishing her breakfast.

"No, you can help me wake her up before we leave though," I tell her. I make myself a bowl of Cheerios and join her at the bar.

"Okay," she agrees while getting up from the barstool.

"Did you pack your bag for the car?" I ask before taking a bite.

"I'm going to do it now," she says setting her bowl in the sink and heading upstairs.

"Pack everything you need in the car with you," I tell her.

"Will do," she says before leaving the kitchen. I finish my cereal and go outside to the car to organize the car. We were recently gifted to drive a 2005 Toyota Sienna, for privacy reasons according to Jen's management. In other words, we have to eventually give the car back.

I buckle Faith's car seat behind the driver and Taylor's behind the passenger

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I buckle Faith's car seat behind the driver and Taylor's behind the passenger. Next, I slip inside the door and gather everyone's personal bags for inside the car. I set them in the third row behind Taylor. Next, I load the five suitcases into the trunk along with the cooler and portable crib. Last but not least, I grab the food bag and set it in the very back row.

While Josh tries to figure out how to lock the U-haul, Jen runs upstairs for a quick shower. Taylor runs around the house like a madman while I get Faith up and ready for the long ride. I change her into a different jumper, one that light enough for warm weather but also warm enough for colder weather.

I lift her onto my hip before heading downstairs, only then do I notice that there's no yelling or loud footsteps in the house. I look out the back window to see Jen, Josh and Taylor all bouncing on the tramp, even though it's only 4:30 in the morning.

"Guys!" I whisper-yell at them.

"Oh, yeah. Comm'n it's time to go," Jen says getting off the tramp.

"Okaaaayyyy," Taylor says annoyed that we have to leave already.

"Josh?" Jen says giving him a stern look.

"Yes, Mother," he grins setting out of the trampoline net.

"Don't you 'mother' me, you jerk," Jen says flicking his head. We all head inside before slipping on our shoes and saying goodbye to the house. I love this house, it reminds me to have hope and that there are good people in this world.

I climb in the third row behind Faith after making sure Faith is strapped in. I plug in my headphones and the song '100 years by Five For Fighting,' plays.


I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up there's a lot of commotion to get out of the car. We've driven for about two hours to the first rest stop located on the edge of California. I slip through the two middle seats after grabbing the diaper bag and follow everyone inside the gas station, well everyone but Josh, he is supposed to refill the tank. Jen hands me Faith before heading to the bathroom, I follow Taylor around as she gazes at all the junk food and drinks. Glancing at my phone, I see that it's only about 7:00 am.

"Mom?" Taylor asks once Jen comes out of the bathroom, "Can we get a snack?" she says with her irresistible puppy eyes.

"Um, how about we get a drink and eat a snack that we have in the car?" Jen tells Taylor while trying no to look her directly in the eyes.

"Okay, can I get some apple juice?" she grins.

"Yeah, go get it and nothing else please," Jen agrees, "What about you?"

"I'll grab a tea," I say opening the fridge door and grabbing the drink successfully while balancing a fully awake Faith and the diaper bag.

"Wow, coordination," Jen laughs taking the bottle from me.

"I got it," Taylor says proudly like it was her mission.

"Alright, I'm gonna grab two coffees and you guys go to the bathroom then meet me at the car," Jen tells us before heading towards the coffee machines.

"Alright let's go," I say taking her hand after adjusting the strap of the diaper bag on my shoulder. Once we finish and get Faith resituated, Taylor leads me outside to the car.

I get passed my tea while Taylor and Jen run free in the field. I stand Faith on her feet and let her try walking around in the field. Josh eventually joins us in the field which somehow caused us to end up playing tag.

The stop was supposed to be thirty minutes tops, it was a whole hour; I guess we'll be eating lunch in the car.


We make it to the first hotel around ten a night. I grab Faith's stuff, portable crib, suitcase and the diaper bag. Taylor grabs her stuff while Jen helps carry her and Josh's suitcases because he hauled the cooler. Jen checks into the hotel and we sleepily head to the room. After putting Faith to sleep, Josh and I head back outside to grab the rest of the stuff we'll need for the night.

I plug my phone in before changing and hopping onto the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. Jen planned this trip and it's wonderful but she did forget the fact that I'm not five and bunk beds don't excite me like they do her.

I did sleep most of the day but after scrolling through Instagram for a while and getting told to turn my phone off by Jen, I fell asleep pretty quickly.


Thanks for everything guys. I'm so grateful for you all.


Biggest fear? Or What are you scared of?

Bugs! Insects!

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