12: Not Broken Just Dented

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Taylor's POV

I'm in Kentucky staying with Uncle Ben. Josh had to work in, New York and Emily and Faith went to visit Mommy in Los Angelos.

"Taylor, you wanna call Mom?" Uncle Ben calls out.

"Yeah," I jump up and run downstairs.

"Here sit on the couch," he says before setting a laptop on my lap.

"Alright and there, it's calling," he says after pressing a few buttons.

"Thanks," I say before a few familiar faces pop up on the screen.

"Hey, Tay," Emily says.

"Hi Em," I answer with a smile.

"Hey, how's Uncle Ben treating you?" mommy says as she makes breakfast for Emily, Faith, and her.

"Good, what are you guys having?" I ask, even though it's noon here, it's about nine in the morning there. Time change.

"Eggs, what did you have?" Mommy says trying hard to multi-task.

"Cereal," I grin.

"Ooh, yummy. Did you have frootloops?" She asks.

"Yeah," I say smiling.

"What are you up to today?" Emily asks.

"I don't know, maybe go to the park or something, maybe go visit grandma," I guess.

"We're going to grandmas!" Uncle Ben yells behind me, I jump a little because I didn't know he was listening.

"Cool, that'll be fun," Mommy says stirring the eggs.

"Yeah! What are you doing besides the meetings?" I ask.

"Probably shopping," Mommy says, but I think she's hiding something because when she looked down her hair fell in front of her face and she didn't bother to move it.

"Do you have any other plans?" I press.

"No," Emily cuts in.

"Oh okay," I nod.

"Tawylowr," Andrew says toddling over to me.

"Hi, buddy," I say taking his hand.

"Jenwy?" He practically shouts at the computer screen.

"Hey, Andy," Mommy says using a nickname.

"Jenwy, Emiwly," he slurs.

"Hi, Drew," Emily says, she calls him that because it sounds cuter to her that way of something, I don't know I wasn't paying attention when it started.

"Hey, Tay, we've got to go, it's a big day, or in the words of Effie Trinket, "today's a big, big, big day," mommy says in a funny accent.

"Okay, bye love you both," I say.

"Love you baby girl," Mommy says.

"Love you, Tay, give faith a kiss for me," Emily says before hanging up.

"Ok, love you guys bye," I say but they had hung up already. I set the computer on the couch.

"Taywlwor?" Andrew said.

"Hi, Andy," I say standing up.

"Play?" He says happily.

"Yeah, let's go play with Cody," I say climbing up the stairs. He runs over and crawls up the stairs.
I run up meeting Cody in his room. Andrew comes in and we all play with Legos.

Emily's POV

"Thanks, Jen, for not telling anyone, even Taylor why I'm here," I say after we finished calling Taylor.

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