8: Would You Rather Kiss...

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Josh's POV

I lift the heavy cooler into the back of the pickup truck. It's now mid-April and Jen is here for a four day weekend. We have decided to take the girls on their first camping trip, we pulled Taylor out of school and let Emily's tutor off for a few days. It's early in the year but it's easier with fewer people and less stress of being noticed.

"Here's the food, Joshy," Taylor says handing me two grocery bags.

"Thank you, where's your sister?" I ask packing the bags in the car.

"Finishing cleaning the house," she answers before running back inside.

"Are we almost packed?" Jen says coming out of the house while carrying Faith.

"Soon, where's your bag?" I ask before closing the tailgate.

"It's right there in the truck you idiot," she points.

"Oh, I thought that was Taylor's," I confess heading towards the house.

"Well, dumbo. You are wrong," Jen smiles, her gorgeous smile.

"Call the girls and let's get the show on the road," I tell her.

"Children, get your butts in the car preferably before we leave," Jen shouts while standing at the bottom of the staircase. Faith gives her the 'don't be so loud' look making me crack a grin at the two.

"I'm coming. Don't leave without me!" Taylor says rushing down the stairs with the same old backpack. The kind of white with purple accents and her name clearly sew on the front.

"Don't forget to go to the bathroom, it's a long drive," Jen reminds us, "And Josh we're gonna let Emily drive some." Taylor heads towards the bathroom while Faith loudly reminds us that she's still in the room.

"I think I'm gonna take my motorcycle," I joke opening the front door.

"Hey-y," Emily yells at me while coming down the steps.

"I'm just kidding, I did take you driving," I say closing the door again.

"Yeah, and I wasn't that bad," she defends.

"True, true," I wink at her.

"I wasn't," she says defending herself.

"I know. I wasn't complaining," I explain.

"In the car," Jen says leading us outside. I grab the last few things before following Taylor out to the car.

After packing the last few things, we all pile in the car. Jen and I in the front with Emily, Faith, and Taylor buckled in the back. I pull out of the driveway and head towards the highway.


The cold air hits my face as soon as I open the car door. Three-hour car ride with a very unhappy baby who caused a happy toddler to become not so happy. I open the door behind me and help Taylor out of the car.

"Jen, Emily, you guys wanna help me set up the tent?" I ask opening the tailgate.

"Sure," Jen says walking around to the back of the car.

"I'm gonna put Faith on a blanket," Emily says lift her out of the car seat.

"Okay," I say tossing her a blanket that's reversible, one side fleece and the other a windproof/waterproof material.

"Thanks," she says heading towards the picnic table. Jen and I haul the tent out of the truck along with a tarp to go under it.

After setting up the tent, Jen and Taylor work on setting up the pack and play for Faith while Emily and I blow up the Air Mattresses.

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