5: Little Too Young

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Jen's POV

Sitting in my family room with Faith trying to get her to stop eating every book I try to read to her, the doorbell rings. Today we are finishing packing. Josh is flying in with Taylor after her two-week stay with Austin and Emily is currently having lunch with some old work friends.

"Faith, let's go," I say standing up and grabbing her off the ground. I head to the door and open it to see a smiling Josh and Taylor.

"Mom!" she says colliding into my hip and wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey-y, I missed you too," I say wrapping my loose arm around her.

"I missed you too!" she shouts full of energy. I'm guessing the plane ride wasn't helping tire her out.

"How was Austin's?" I ask while giving Josh a quick side hug. He sets the suitcases just inside the door.

"So much fun, we went swimming a lot and played at the park and we visited Grandma A and Grandpa. And Ally was there and her boyfriend Adam. Ally took me to her work also! I got to try singing into the recording microphone," Taylor says rambling on about her stay with Austin.

"Wow, it sounds like you were living like a princess," I smile at her.

"Yup, I was Daddy's little princess, as he says," she smiles.

"Well, miss princess spend most of the day sleeping and eating, so I guess we could say it's time for a tramp competition," Josh joins in. I swear sometimes I think he comes to my house only to play with the kids.

"Race ya," Taylor says taking off.

"Not if I get there first," Josh says hurrying after her.

"Well, that was quick," I chuckle looking at Faith who was focused on Pippi.

"Do-do," she says pointing at Pippi before sticking her hand in her mouth.

"Yeah, that's a dog, can you say Dog?" I ask. She looks away from me in response.

"Do-do," she smiles widely.

"Okay, I feel like you're hearing the sound but it's not making it all the way through your brain," I tell her. She shakes her head in response. "No? Meaning I'm right and it's not making its way through your brain," I say tickling her stomach causing a loud laughter.

I walk through the house and head upstairs. Setting Faith back in her swing, I tape up the boxes from Taylor's room before moving them in front of the stairs. Everything from Taylor's room except her bed, sheets and furniture. Emily already packed up her and Faith's stuff. Now I need to wash and run all of Taylor's clothes through the laundry.

I grab Faith's bouncer and set it by the dryer. I quickly race down the stairs and grab her suitcase before dumping the darks into the washer. Next, I grab Faith and bring her outside.

"Hey, Faithy, you wanna play on the tramp?" Josh says taking her from me, Faith touches her slobbery hand to his nose, causing Taylor and me to almost die laughing "I'll take that as a yes."

"Hey, Tay do you mind getting off the tramp and helping me order dinner?" I ask reaching out for her. I nervous about having her on the tramp with Faith. I don't want anyone getting hurt.

"Okay," she sighs climbing down the ladder, completely ignoring me.

"Thank you," I smile unsure if I upset her or if something happened while she was with Austin. "Bye Josh, don't break the baby," I wink at him.

Walking inside I grab a piece of paper and a pen, "So what shall we have for dinner?" I ask glancing at the clearly depressed child before taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Hey, Taylor? Is there something you wanna tell me? Anything happen with Austin or something you wanna say?"

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