7: Kentucky Arrival

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Emily's POV

I climb in the car for the last leg of out drive. It's day four and we're predicted to be at the house around six which is about twelve hours from now. I'm pretty sure by now we are all sick of each other. We've run out of car games and resorted to endless movies.

My favorite thing is taking videos, recently I've been taking short videos of our car ride and sending them to Ally or Hunter. The two people in this crazy world that I would call my best friends, that aren't related to me or riding in the car.


We finally arrive at the Kentucky house, well actually Josh's house. After pulling in the driveway, we rush out of the car eager to stretch our legs. Josh carries in a sleeping Taylor while I haul in the baby carrier and Jen grabs a couple of suitcases. 

"Hey, there's rooms for you guys upstairs," Josh says leading me up the stairs. "That's your room, then that's Faiths, and this is Taylor's, well it's also Jen's but she'll be gone most of the time you guys are staying here," he says laying Taylor on the queen size bed before covering her with a throw blanket. 

"Thanks," I say heading towards Faith's room. I quickly move her from the car seat to the crib, she didn't fully wake up but she was close. Thank goodness she fell back to sleep, she already cried most of the morning. 

"Hey, thanks for doing this," Jen says as I enter the kitchen. 

"No problem," Josh says, "I'm a mature adult who can properly take care of three children."

"Well, I just wanted them to have a driver," Jen jokes. 

"Hey!" Josh yells at her. 

"I'm just kidding, lighten up," Jen tells him. 

"I'm hungry, what do you guys want for dinner?" Josh asks. That's when I notice that Connor's here. 

"I don't care," I answer. 

"Ooo! We should make Grandma's fried chicken," Connor speaks up. 

"Yes. That sounds delicious," Jen says. 

"Alright, you guys peel potatoes for mashed potatoes and I'll go find some chicken in the freezer," Josh says heading towards what I think is the basement. 

"Alright, Connor how do you peel potatoes?" Jen says looking at him after Josh left.

"You don't know how to peel potatoes?" He says with a hearty laugh.

"I kind of do but I haven't made them since before the hunger games, Instant potatoes is how I've made them recently.  Now please,  stop teasing me?" Mommy questions in a pleading tone.

"Okay, lazy. I'll grab the peelers and you grab the potatoes. Emily, you wanna come? We'll need someone who can actually peel potatoes," Connor asks opening the kitchen drawer. 

"Wait, Connor are you saying you can't either?" Jen asks. 

"No, I can but I always help with the turkey and Josh does the potatoes during Thanksgiving," he replies.

"Alright, children let's start. I'm sure we're all hungry," I say taking a peeler from Connor. Everyone grabs a potato and peeler. After teaching them to rinse the potato under cold water and then how to properly peel the potato away from oneself, we finally get some work done. 

 "What are you guys doing?" Josh says reentering the kitchen to see us yelling at each other 'No Fingers.'

"Learning," Jen answers.

"What?" He asks confused. 

"Emily is teaching Connor and me to make mashed potatoes," Jen says still working on her third potato. 

"Oh. Well, I want absolutely no fingers in my potatoes," Josh says before starting to prepare the chicken. 

"Don't worry, I'll be doing most of the peeling," I say to assure him.

"Yeah, don't worry about the potatoes, you have to make the chicken. Hurry up we're all starving," Jen says.

"I can't believe you don't know how to peel potatoes," Josh says laughing while pulling ingredients out of the cabinet.


"Hey, dinner is served," Josh yells at us upstairs. Taylor and Faith had woken up and we were settling into our rooms. The U-haul had been taken down to Jen's house and left down there at the house. 

"Taylor, I'll race you down," Connor says before taking off. They both storm down the stairs with loud footsteps. 

"And I am the winner!" He chants.

"No, I'm the winner!" she pouts. I slip by them with Faith on my hip. 

"Yeah, we are the champions!" He says lifting Taylor up and yelling around the house.

"Connor, the neighbors called, they told me to tell you to shut up and that they don't care," Josh shouts from the kitchen. 

"Ha, ha, ha," Connor says setting Taylor down.

"No fingers?" Josh asks as we take our seats at the table. 

"No fingers," Jen answers sitting down. Since we took the U-haul down to Jen's, I just eat with Faith on my lap. She eats the mashed potatoes while also trying to eat and drink everything I do. 


"Let's watch a movie!" Connor shouts through the house.

"Everyone in the basement," Josh says opening the basement door.

"Taylor, let's go get in your pajamas," Jen says leading her upstairs. I follow upstairs and change Faith into her pajamas before putting her to bed. I grab the baby monitor and head downstairs to join the family in watching Frozen. I was guessing that Taylor picked the movie but somehow that is what Josh wanted to watch. Sinking into the couch next to Taylor, I watch as little Ana and Elsa dance across the screen. 


Thanks for everything guys! I'm so grateful for you all!


Favorite Animated Disney Movie?

Cinderella. Frozen. I love the soundtrack for Moana. 

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