16: Fighting With A Smile

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February 8, 2017

Taylor's POV

I wipe my sweaty hands on my leggings as I sit next to Aunt Ally and Grandpa. I'm in Nashville with my Dad and today we're at the hospital for the arrival of my new baby brother.

"Hey, Taylor. How about you come help me get lunch?" Aunt Ally asks standing up.

"Sure," I say taking her hand. We walk down the hall to the elevator. I press the down arrow before it dings telling us it's here.

"Press four please?" Ally asks reading the sign.

Ally gave me a tray to hold drinks. I carried five drinks. Three bottles of waters, a sprite, and a Diet Coke. Ally got two trays filled with a hot dog and fries, a thing of soup with crackers, three hamburgers, and fries.

We carefully carried them back to the waiting room after putting the food in bags. We put all the fries in one, hot dog and hamburgers in another, soup in its own. But we left the drinks on the tray. I carried the fries. I might have snuck just a few.

"Alright, lunch is served, where's Austin?" Aunt Ally says.

"In with Claire," Grandma says.

"Oh well I got him food when he's hungry," Aunt Ally says.

"Let's eat," I cheer, and everyone smiles at me. We all dig into the hospital food. I know it's not the best but it's hospital food.

Jen's POV

Josh and I flew out yesterday for meeting with our management teams about upcoming projects and our wedding, I think. We are engaged after a year of dating.

Sinking into the couch I lay my head on his chest while I flip through the endless tv shows.

I find nothing interesting and just turn the tv off. Looking up at look, he seems to be intensely thinking it without making spit bubbles which I'm extremely gratefully for.

"What are you thinking inhale about?"  I ask watching him stare into the abyss.

"Just life," he says looking down at me.

"Really?" I say sitting up.

"Yes, I have a brain," he laughs.

"Well why are you thinking about life?" I ask looking up at him.

"I'm thinking about kids, maybe?" he pauses before the words maybe.

"We have kids," I tell him as if he doesn't know.

"I know, I'm saying more kids," he says nervously.

"Do you want more kids?" I ask sitting up.

"Yeah?" He says like it's a question.

"I would love more kids, I always miss Taylor being younger and how much time we spent, just me and her," I answer happily.

"She was a cute kid to have on set," Josh laughs.

"How many kids are you thinking?" I ask interested.

"Maybe two or three?" He suggests.

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