1. Ready For College

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*You guys asked for it so it's here!

It was time for college.

Sam and Dean were packing the boxes the Dean was supposed to take with him to his new dorm.

Sam was sad to see his older brother go. The college wasn't far, maybe about two hours of a drive, but he was still going to miss him.

"Hey Sammy-"

"It's Sam, Dean."

"Whatever. I'll be calling you every night, ok? I want to know you're alright." Dean said as he continued to pack his box full of his ACDC albums that he had collected.

"I'll be fine, Dean. You don't need to call every night."

"But I have to. I don't want you to make any stupid decisions. I need to know you're alright."

"Fine. But I'm telling you, I'll be fine."

Dean sealed the box with tape and Sam finished putting the rest of Dean's things in the box he was packing.

"Just... Promise me you'll take care of yourself, ok?"

Dean was a little worried about his younger brother. A few months ago he had been slowly killing himself because he hadn't taken care of himself, and was scared about leaving him home alone.

"Dean! For the last time, I'll be fine! Gabriel will be here with me!" Sam slammed the box shut and taped it.

"Oh... Gabriel..." He suddenly became mad and upset. Gabriel was replacing him. Gabriel was going to take care of his little brother when he should be. "It's fine. I have to go now anyway, since you're already waiting for me to leave so Gabriel can come over." He picked up the last of the boxes and made his way to the front door.

"What's up with you?!" Sam stopped him.

"It's nothing, Sam! Let go of me!" Dean yanked his arm out of his grip and walked the rest of the way to his 1967 Impala. He opened the trunk and placed the boxes neatly among the rest and got into the driver's seat. Sam ran out in time before his brother left.

"Dean! Wait!" He shouted.

But the motor of the impala roared to life and Dean left Sam, standing in the middle of the driveway, watching him with terrified and sad eyes.

Dean was a little mad at himself for leaving like that but obviously Sam didn't need him if he always had Gabriel there for him. He shook his head and turned up the radio loudly and sang along, feeling a little better as time went on.

After the two hour drive to the college, Dean sat in the impala, looking up at the building. It was a huge building with quite a few students getting their stuff to their dorm, despite it being a week before classes start.

He found the papers with his dorm information and grabbed a few boxes.

This was going to be a little difficult, he was going to have to make two trips to the car and back. He got what he could and made his way to his dorm.

Dean found his dorm and opened the door, and found that his roommate (whoever they were) had already been here and claimed their part of the room. He set his stuff on the empty bed and looked around. "Mystery roommate" was either not done with their side or was just boring because the walls by the bed were bare and their shelves were empty.

"This will be fun." Dean said as he rolled his eyes and started opening some of his boxes. He put all of his albums on the shelves above his bed and set his record/CD player on the small table next to him.

Just then he heard a loud noise and some shouting, and someone yelling "YOU'VE BEEN GARTHED!" And a small boy about the height of Dean came running in and slammed the door.

"Kid, whoever you are, get out because I-"

The small boy interrupted him, a smile on his face. "Hey roommate! I'm Garth, it's finally nice to meet you!" He hugged Dean.

"Hey! None of that, kid!" He pushed Garth away from him. "No hugging."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" And against Dean's wishes, he hugged him again.

"Oh yeah, this will totally be even more fun now." Dean said sarcastically.

He didn't really know though, how great of a time he would have here.

*I hope this is good. You all had asked for it, so here is the Destiel fanfic. If you want me to continue, some feedback would be good. If things need to be changed, I would like to know about that too. I hope you all like it!


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