16. Endings

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*Last chapter, I really hope you enjoy this one, I couldn't help but scream as I was writing it.

Castiel and Dean were stronger than ever, and although it seemed like a long time, graduated together too.

Four years they had been together, through bad and good and thick and thin.

They loved each other a lot, and that's all that really matters at the end of the day.

It was the middle of fall after they had graduated when Dean finally thought it was the right time.

The ceremony was held in spring.

Dean stood at the end of the isle, nervous and shaky, Sam laying a hand on his shoulder, telling him to calm down and that it was alright.

He fixed the collar of his dress shirt, staring down at his shoes when an excited murmuring went through the crowd, which made him look up.

Instantly the air was sucked out of his lungs.

Castiel, being walked down the isle by his father, was absolutely breathtaking.

He looked shyly up at Dean, seeing that he had covered his mouth with his hand and had begun to cry.

Dean had seen him in many formal suits, black over-jackets and his normal button-up shirts, but this was different.

He was wearing a white over-jacket and slacks, with a black button-up underneath and his navy blue tie which made his eyes a gorgeous shade of blue.

It was opposite to what Dean was wearing, and that's what made it even better.

When he reached the alter, his father handed him off to Dean and sat in the crowd with their other family members and friends.

Dean grabbed Castiel's other hand, quickly wiping the tears off his face as Castiel smiled slightly at him. . .

Vows were read, rings put on fingers, and more tears fell and kisses exchanged and applause breaking through the crowd.

The first dance was incredible, Dean's arms wrapped around Castiel's waist while they rested their heads on each other's shoulders.

It was slow, which Dean was glad for because it allowed them to softly say things to each other and exchange more kisses while the crowd took pictures and cheered.

Eventually it ended, and they both were passed off to dance with many other people, everyone laughing and dancing and having a good time.

Everyone sat down at their places around the tables, giving speeches and sharing memories of the two boys.

Food was eaten, drinks were had, and eventually it became night.

Once everyone had finished eating and went back to the dance floor, Dean carefully pulled Castiel aside and lead him out to the gazebo, where fairy lights had been hung on and around it, casting a beautiful glow on the inside.

There the music still could be heard, so they shared another slow dance and quietly talked.

The reception ended and Castiel and Dean left, getting in the impala while everyone cheered and congratulated them.

A little while later, they arrived at their new apartment where Dean picked Castiel up and carried him bride-style up the stairs and through the door.

Castiel kissed his cheek as he was carried to their bedroom and was laid on the bed.

Dean climbed on after him and kissed him, smiling as Castiel leaned into it.

"I love you, Dean Winchester." Castiel rubbed his thumb in circles on his cheek.

"I love you too, Castiel Winchester."

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