Christmas (Part 2)

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*Part two of the first! There will be just one more, so bare with me!

Dean woke up the next morning before Castiel did. Both their arms were wrapped around each other and Castiel's face was still pressed into his shirt.

Dean carefully untangled himself without waking Cas and grabbed some clothes. He walked out into the hallway and peered into Sam's room. He and Gabriel were still asleep, so he crept into the bathroom to take a shower.

A little while later he came out, everyone still asleep. He couldn't blame Cas, he wasn't joking when he said he had had a nightmare and couldn't sleep well. After he fell asleep with him, he tossed and turned all night, sometimes waking up, and others not being able to, at which Dean had to wake him up so the nightmare would end.

Today was the day before Christmas and they all needed to go shopping for gifts. Dean wanted to leave before Sam and Gabriel woke up because then they would want to go with them.

He crept back into his room where Cas was tangled in the blankets. He knelt by him on the floor and carefully shook him awake. "Cas... Castiel wake up."

Castiel slowly woke up and groaned, moving to see Dean better. "What, Dean?"

"We need to go Christmas shopping, and I want to get there before Sam and Gabriel woke up so that they won't go with us."

Castiel nodded and rubbed his eyes. "Can I shower really quickly first?"

Dean smiled and nodded. "Yeah sure." He helped Castiel out of bed and got ready to go while he was showering.

While Cas was showering he got a sticky note and wrote "Out shopping" and quietly snuck into Sam's room and carefully stuck it on his forehead.

A little while later Cas came out. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."

They quietly went out into the hall and down the stairs. They made their way out into the Impala and made their way to the shopping center.

Dean parked the Impala and looked at Castiel. "Let's split up and find stuff for each other, and then meet here in about an hour to get the boys something."

Castiel nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

Dean wandered around for something to get for Castiel. He was trying to remember things that Castiel liked and talked about a lot.

Bees. That's it.

And he also talked about wanting a dress tie but said he never has had the time to get one.

Dean made his way to the toy shop and found these huge, adorable bee plushies that he knew Castiel would love. A few people were walking around, buying gifts for others too. He paid and left the store, looking for where he would get a tie.

Eventually he found a really formal shop all for dress shirts and suits, along with dresses and jewelry.

Dean wandered around the shop for a second, looking at all the ties he could get, wondering what Cas may like.

He got to the very end when he saw a solid, navy tie. Immediately he thought it would look good with his bright blue eyes and had to buy it. He had spent enough time in both the shops and made his way back to the Impala to Cas.

They both went and found things for Gabriel and Sam. They found Sam some new flannel shirts and Gabriel some limited-time candy that was sold around Christmas.

When they were done they went to go get some coffee because they both were cold and thought some time with each other on an actual date would be nice.

They both sat down with their coffees and blew on them to cool down some before drinking.

"Did you find what you were looking for, Cas?" Dean smiled at him.

"Yes, I did. Did you?" Castiel watched Dean.

Dean nodded. "I did."

They finished their coffees, small talking about what they thought about the things they got for Sam and Gabriel.

They made their way to the Impala and sat for a few minutes and waited while the engine warmed up so the AC would begin to blow hot air instead of cold.

"Do we have to go back now?" Castiel asked.

Dean was a little surprised. "What would you like to do instead?"


"Well, it's Christmas Eve, so how about we hang around town until after lunch, and then go home and make dinner and wrap presents. How does that sound?"

Castiel nodded.

Dean drove to an empty old parking lot close to town and they talked for a while. Cas stopped talking after a little and Dean looked over at him.


Castiel kissed him and unbuckled his seat belt so he could reach him better.

Dean was surprised.


But he cut off Dean again. He gave in and eventually kissed Cas back.

After a few minutes Dean pulled himself away. "N-not right now... Cas not now."

Castiel stopped kissing him and sat back in his seat.


He buckled his seat belt and watched out the window. "I'd like to go back now."

"But Cas-"

"I want to go, Dean."

Dean nodded and drove back.

They got back to the house and grabbed their bags. Dean unlocked the front door and followed Cas in. He went straight up to Dean's room and left Dean alone to get dinner prepared and cooking for later that day.

It was quiet so the two younger boys may have left to go shopping.

A while passed and Dean had finished preparing everything and Cas still wasn't down. He knew he bought wrapping paper so he probably already did that, but he should be done by now. He decided to wrap his gifts and set them under the tree.

Sam and Gabriel got home a little after Dean finished and went up the stairs to get wrapping paper and wrap their own gifts.

Dean went up stairs after them and went to his room, seeing Cas was curled up on the bed, hugging a pillow and obviously crying.

"Cas?" He carefully sat on the bed across from him, at which Castiel hid his face. "Baby what's wrong?"

Castiel shook his head and wouldn't answer.

"Is it about earlier? When we were in the car?"

Cas nodded slightly and looked at him.

Dean laughed softly. "I just wanted to wait, that's all."

Cas sniffled. "Really?"

Dean nodded. "Now it might be time for dinner, so let's go down stairs and get everything ready."

Castiel nodded and wiped his face.

They both went down stairs, just as the timer went off for all the food to finish cooking.

They got everything out and set at the table, at which Dean called Sam and Gabriel down because it was time to eat.

They all talked and told jokes and laughed as they ate. Everyone enjoyed themselves and when they were done, helped clean up and all sat by the fire, drinking hot chocolate and looking at the tree as it shined in the dark, warm living room.

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