15. Fights

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*hey, I'm sorry I haven't updated recently. Things have been really stressful and I had decided to take a short break and read/catch up on fanfics I wanted to read. I hope you enjoy!

It had been about a week since Lucifer had destroyed Dean's and Castiel's relationship.

Dean tried desperately to get him back, but Castiel would avoid him every time he would come near.

Lucifer had done his part in convincing Castiel that he was bad for him and that it was all his fault.

Dean couldn't handle it, Castiel wouldn't even look at him anymore.

After his classes, Dean went to his dorm, seeing it was empty because Garth was still in classes, and called Sam.

"Any luck yet?" Sam immediately asked when he answered.

"No, I don't think I ever will have luck." Dean answered sadly.

"You just need to confront him, Dean. Find a way you can get him somewhere where he can't get out."

"I try, Sam! And every time I do, he walks away! I can't get him back, I won't ever get him back!" Dean's voice rose.

"Who are you," Sam rose his voice to match Dean's. "It sounds like you've given up, Dean! I know my older brother, and I know he would never give up and get Castiel back."

Dean sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. "You're right, Sam. I just feel like he hates me and I can't do anything about it."

"You can. Tell him the truth, make him listen."

"I guess I can try."

"There is no guessing, you will."

"Okay, I will."

"I have to go now and do my homework, I'll talk to you later."

The line went dead and Dean fell back against his pillows. He had nothing else to do but to be straight forward and convince Castiel that Lucifer had done that and he had tried to get away.

Dean knew Lucifer's schedule well enough to know that he was in classes and Castiel was back at the dorm by now.

He got off his bed and walked in his bathroom, fixing his hair and pulling on the leather jacket Castiel gave him.

When he decided he looked alright, he calmed himself and left his dorm to walk to Castiel's.

Normally the walk was short, but to Dean it felt long and the anticipation was making him anxious.

Eventually he made it to Castiel's dorm and stared at the door. He shook his hands out to steady his nerves and knocked.

Castiel appeared in a second and noticed that it was Dean. His face fell and he began to shut the door.

Dean put his hand on the door to stop him. "Wait."

Castiel hung his head and stared at his shoes. "I don't want to see you right now."

"I just need to explain, just listen, and if you don't believe me then I'll leave go." Dean watched him as Castiel looked up at him through his eyelashes.

"Fine." He stepped aside to let Dean in and stood there, impatient and waiting for an explanation after he shut the door.

Dean stood there, his hands shaking. "I... I don't know what Lucifer told you, but whatever it is, he's lying-"

Castiel scoffed and rolled his eyes. "He told me you would say that."

Dean help his hands up in defense "Just listen. I was wandering around, waiting for your class to finish. Lucifer said my name and I told him to stop whatever he was doing, to stop. So as I tried to turn away, he grabbed my shirt and pulled me in and- I tried to get away but I couldn't Cas, I couldn't and it's been killing me. It hurts every time you turn away and leave. It hurts that you won't listen-"

"I am, Dean! And what this sounds like is wrong! That's not what it looked like when I walked into the both of you!" Castiel shouted.

"Believe me, Cas!" Dean held his ground. He wasn't going to cry. Not now.

"I can't Dean!" He was going to turn and leave but Dean grabbed his wrist and wouldn't let go. He tried to shake him off but his grip was too tight.

"Listen to me, damn it Castiel! I'm in love with you," he shouted. "I can't let you go!"

Castiel stopped struggling, tears pooling in his eyes as he looked at Dean.

"I do, Castiel. I do, and you're the first person I've ever loved. I've fallen so hard for you and I wish you would see," Dean looked at his hands. "It's alright though... It's alright if you hate me and want to leave. I'll deal..." He let go of his arm.

Dean was surprised a second later when a pair of lips crashed into his'. He quickly wrapped his arms tightly around Castiel and kissed him back.

There were tears falling down Castiel's face and Dean moved a hand to wipe them away as they continued to kiss and grip at each other tightly.

They stopped a second later, breathing heavily and resting their foreheads together.

"I missed you, Cas." Dean whispered.

"I missed you too."

Dean kissed his nose lightly and smiled, wiping the rest of his tears away.

"Lucifer will be gone for a while..."

Dean laughed. "I see what you're getting at." He untangled himself from Castiel and pulled him to his bed.

Castiel kissed him. "I love you, Dean."

"I love you too, Cas."

*I'm sad to say that after this, there is only one chapter left in this fanfic. I know, but you can always re-read it!

Also, if you haven't read my Sabriel fanfic or- for my tøp fans out there- my Joshler fanfic, go find those!

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