6. Sam

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Dean hadn't heard from Sam at all since the angry phone call. He didn't know what to do, and he was beyond worried that something had happened.

But Gabriel was there.

Was what Dean kept telling himself. But maybe Gabriel wasn't really a trustworthy person, considering how childish he acts sometimes.

He had a day off. Maybe he would go and check on his brother. It wasn't far, So it wouldn't take long.

Dean decided he was going to check on his brother.

He scribbled a note for Garth saying that he'll be back later and set it on his desk. He grabbed his leather jacket and made his way to the impala.

Dean got into the familiar leather seat of his Impala and started it up. Should he tell Sam that he was coming?

He decided he would tell him when he was halfway there.

A little while later he stopped at a gas station to fill the impala. It took only a few minutes, but he payed and got back in his car.

He thought that now, since he was about an hour away, he should tell Sam he was coming.

He was about to reach for his phone when it started to ring. Immediately the number was Sam's. He rushed to pick it up.

"Sam??" Dean was a little panicked.

He heard Sam sniffling. Was he crying??

"Sammy, what's wrong!"

Sam's voice was shaky. Dean could tell that he was trying to keep it together.

"I- I need you here, Dean."

Dean threw the car into reverse and got out of the gas station as quickly as he could. "I'm coming Sammy. I'll be there soon. I was already on my way."

Sam's voice was even more shaky. "Thank you, Dee."

"You're welcome, Sammy." He hung up and drove as fast as he could. . .

Dean parked in the driveway of their house and ran to the front door. He threw it open and rushed inside.

"SAM." Dean shouted. He could hear crying coming from upstairs, so he ran.

The crying was leading to Sam's room, which Dean should have guessed. He opened the door slowly and saw his brother sitting on the floor, with his knees to his chest.

Dean shut the door behind him and sat next to his brother. He pulled him into his lap and held him close, like what he had to do when he was younger to calm his brother after countless times of their dad shouting at them.

He rocked him slowly and tucked his long hair behind his ear. "What's wrong, Sam...?" He whispered softly.

He tried to calm down but couldn't, so Dean let him cry.

A little while later he calmed down enough that he finally spoke quietly. "G-Gabriel... He broke up with me earlier today..."

Dean thought about this. He didn't really care for Gabriel, given how immature he was all the time. But his little brother had really loved him and he destroyed that. "I'll go and wreck that little monster for you."

"P-please. Don't." Sam looked up at his older brother.

"I won't. I'll do whatever you tell me." Dean smiled a little and wiped off the tears from his brother's cheeks.

"Can you stay, Dean? Just for the weekend?" He buried his face in Dean's leather jacket.

"I can, I will."

Dean watched as his brother fell asleep. He could tell he wasn't doing very well, considering he must have known for a little bit him and Gabriel were going to break up. But Dean was still very worried about how this was affecting his brother. What if Sam told him he was fine and he left, and he really wasn't.

Those thoughts scared Dean so he held onto his brother tighter. "Sam, you fight this," he whispered. "I'll be there every step of the way."

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