Christmas (Part 3)

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Dean woke up at about 5:30 the next morning. He tightened the arm that was thrown across Cas' side and pressed his face in between his shoulder blades.

Cas stirred slightly which made Dean sit up a little to look at him.

"Dean..." Castiel's eyes fluttered open.

"Hey." He kissed the side of his face and let him go a little so he could face Dean better. "Merry Christmas, baby."

Castiel slowly began to wake up. "Merry Christmas."

Dean rested his hand on the side of his face and rubbed his thumb in circles under his eye. "What time is it?"

"About 5:45 in the morning."

"Why are you awake?" Castiel's eyes widened slightly.

"I couldn't sleep... And I was thinking about last night." Dean grinned.

Castiel became confused for a few minutes, his mind still trying to wake up. And then it all clicked in place. He blushed and wrapped his arm around Dean.

Dean chuckled and kissed him lightly.

They laid there in the silence for a little bit, looking into each other's eyes when the door flew open.

Sam and Gabriel came running in.


Gabriel threw green and red tinsel in the air and shouted along with Sam.

Castiel laughed and shifted closer to Dean.

"DEE! WE HAVE TO GO DOWNSTAIRS!" Sam and Gabriel shouted in unison.

"Alright, alright! Calm down!" Despite them being loud, he chuckled slightly.

Sam and Gabriel raced each other down the stairs.

Castiel looked up at Dean. "I guess that means we have to get up?"

"Yeah, but after we open presents and eat breakfast we can go back to sleep."

They both untangled themselves from the blankets and smoothed out their hair before going down the stairs.

Sam and Gabriel were separating the gifts into different piles, according to person.

Each of them had two or three gifts to open.

They all sat down by their gifts and started opening.

Gabriel quickly opened the both of his and laughed. "Candy! All candy!" He happily opened the big bag of cherry lollipops that Sam got him and started sucking on it. "Thanks guys!"

Sam got new flannel shirts and some new work boots, which he had quickly outgrown his other pair.

Dean got some new boots from the boys and grabbed the gift from Castiel. He carefully unwrapped it and unfolded what was a new leather jacket.

"I saw yours was old and fading, so I thought I would get you a new one..." Castiel watched with uncertainty as Dean looked at it.

"Thank you... I've needed a new one." Dean smiled and hugged Cas.

He smiled in relief and started opening his from Sam and Gabriel. It was boxes and boxes of film for his camera. Castiel laughed. "Thanks, I think I won't ever run out of film again." He then picked up the two gifts from Dean. He opened the smaller one first which seemed to be a plastic box the size of his hand. He opened it to find the navy blue tie, all folded nice and ready for him to wear. "Wow... This will go good with my trench coat."

Dean nodded and smiled as he grabbed the next gift.

This one was also in a box, but taped shut so Dean used his pocket knife to cut it open. Castiel opened the plastic bag- that was keeping whatever this present was- contained.

Immediately it began to puff itself up and Castiel got really excited seeing what it was. "IT'S A BEE," he said as he watched the stuffed animal puff up to its normal size after being squished into the box. "IT'S A BIG BEE!"

He pulled it out of the box and hugged it as hard as he could, the thing pretty much as big as him.

Dean grinned.

"Thank you Dean!"

"You're welcome, Cas."

They all cleaned up the wrapping and went to go make breakfast.

They all made pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs.

After they had all eaten, they put their gifts away (Castiel still holding onto his bee tightly) and all went to their rooms, still really tired from waking up so early.

Cas carefully set his bee in the corner of the room and climbed onto the bed beside Dean. They laid together for a while and eventually started falling asleep.

"I love you, Cas."

"I love you too Dean."

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