12. Christmas (Part one)

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*This is being done in multiple parts, only because it's going to be really long. I hope you enjoy, and I'll start updating more!

Dean was helping Castiel pack his things to get ready for the drive to his house. He couldn't really believe Castiel wanted to see where he lived. Or that he even wanted to be in the same room as Gabriel.

But Castiel made it clear he wanted to spend the holidays with Dean, and getting to meet Sam was all he could talk about.

"Cas, I swear to God if you talk about meeting my brother one more time, I'm leaving you here." Dean said as he finished cramming the rest of his stuff in his bag.

Castiel shut up for a second as he packed his stuff. "He just seems really smart and great..."

"Jeez Cas, you wanna date him?" Dean chuckled as Castiel pushed him softly.

"No, I don't. Definitely do prefer you." He said as he put one of his books in the bottom of the bag and then started putting his clothes on top.

"Oh really..." Dean pulled Cas close.

"Yes, really." Castiel wraps his arms around him and lays his head on his chest.

Dean kissed the top of his head and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"Let's finish so we can get on the road." He let go of Castiel and closed his bag.

They had completely finished packing and had gotten their stuff in the back of Dean's Impala.

They got in and buckled up. "It's about two hours from here. It's not too bad."

Castiel nodded. "That's alright."

The ride seemed a lot shorter than before, seeming as Castiel was there to talk to him.

Dean parked the car in the driveway, next to Sam's new car he got after saving up money from his job. They got their stuff out and Dean unlocked the door. "Sam! We're here!" He called.

He looked around the living room. A full sized tree was in the corner and beautifully decorated.

Sam came running down the stairs and hugged Dean.

Dean smiled and and patted his brother on the back. "Sam, this is Castiel."

Sam let go to shake Castiel's hand. "So this is the Castiel I've heard a lot about."

Castiel's face reddened slightly. "And this is the Sam I've heard a lot about."

Sam nodded and let go of his hand.

"Hey, where is Gabriel?" Dean could tell he must not be here because it was extremely quiet.

"He isn't here yet. He'll be coming later."

"Alright, well I'm going to show Castiel to my room and then we all can figure out what we are doing." Dean walked past his younger brother, who was even taller than before. Castiel followed him up the stairs and to his room.

"So this is my room, I'll be sleeping on the floor and you can take my bed." He set their bags down in the corner of the room.

"Dean, I can't do that." He looked at Dean.

"Cas, it's fine. I've had to sleep on the floor plenty of times before. I'll be fine."

"If you're sure..." Castiel answered, not really believing him.

He showed Castiel around the couch and were about to hang out and listen to some music when Gabriel came crashing through the front door.

"I HAVE ARRIVED." He shouted, and bowed with a flourish.

Sam ran up and hugged him. "I was wondering if you'd show up!"

Gabriel threw his bag off his shoulder and onto the floor so he could hug Sam better. "Of course I would come, Sweetheart."

They both ran up to Sam's room to watch movies so that left Dean and Castiel alone. "Well, now we can go back to our original plan of hanging out."

They ran up the stairs and Dean set a record on his turntable. They both sat on his bed and talked until really late into the night.

Dean turned off the record and crept out into the hall and peered into Sam's room. Both the boys were passed out and the TV was just static.

He walked back into the room. Castiel was slowly nodding off.

"Cas, go to sleep." Dean whispered.


Dean cut him off. "Sh... I'll be fine on the floor. Get some sleep." He helped Castiel lower himself into the bed and tucked him in. "I'll be on the floor over here if you need me."

Castiel hummed, saying he understood what Dean said. "Sweet dreams."

But he was passed out.

Dean made himself comfortable on the floor and slowly fell asleep.

A little while later, Dean was being shaken awake.

"Dean. Dean!" Castiel was whispering.

Dean groaned and rolled over. "What Cas?"

"I had a nightmare and I can't sleep..." He sounded almost embarrassed. He sat on the edge of the bed while Dean got up.

"Lay down." He said.


"Castiel. Lay down."

Cas did as he was told and pulled the blankets up to his chin.

Dean climbed in beside him and wrapped his arm around him while Castiel nestled his face into his shirt. "Do you want to talk about it?" He grumbled.

"No..." Said Castiel, his voice muffled.

"Okay, then get some sleep."

Castiel nodded against his chest, and they both fell asleep.

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