4. Hangovers

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The next morning Dean woke up in his dorm with a terrible headache.

Dean sat up and groaned. He looked around, not remembering ever leaving the front of the building and passing out in his dorm. "How did I get here?"

Garth turned from his desk and looked at Dean. "Good morning sleeping beauty!" He said cheerily.

"Garth, how did I get here?"

"Well, you never showed back up at the party so I went looking for you. You were at the front of the building, curled up against the wall. It was actually a pretty amusing sight." Garth chuckled a little.

"What does that mean!?" Dean demanded.

"Well... You weren't alone. You and the Novak boy had passed out and you were laying across him as he was propped against the wall."

Dean looked down at the cover on his bed. He was trying to remember what happened, but everything was so unclear.

He remembers leaving the party, but how did he end up with Castiel?

The throbbing headache he had wasn't helping much, so he dragged himself up and found some medicine. He sat back down on his bed while drinking the cup of water he had found on his bedside table.

"You know, I really want to know what you and the Novak boy were doing together." Garth raised his eyebrows and watched Dean as he finished.

He set the empty glass back on the table and stared at his shoes. "I don't remember."

Garth shrugged. "I couldn't blame you. You were pretty drunk."

Dean rolled his eyes and Garth's face lit up. "C'mon! It's time for lunch, and you need some food."

Dean looked up at him and was confused. "Lunch?? Did I really sleep that long!"

"I tried to wake you up," Garth said. "I promise!"

Dean stood up and grabbed his leather jacket. "Let's go."

Garth led the way to the dining hall, because Dean's head was still pretty foggy.

Apparently Dean wasn't the only one having a bad time. Others were being propped up by friends and were extremely slow and tired.

Dean kept replaying what he could remember. He did suddenly remember that Castiel had ran out, and that's when he left and ran after him.

Slowly what had happened started coming back to him. Dean stopped abruptly and couldn't believe it.

He had kissed Castiel!

But how did they fall asleep? That's something he couldn't remember at all.

Garth realized Dean wasn't following and came back. "Are you coming?"

Dean shook his head to clear it and continued walking "Yeah... Yeah I'm coming."

They both went through the line and got some food and sat down, when Dean looked up and saw Castiel.

He looked bad, possibly a little worse, than Dean. Castiel must have felt Dean's gaze because he turned in his direction, blushed, and immediately turned back around.

Dean was a little hurt. Could he possibly remember what happened last night and regrets it? Or is just too embarrassed to talk about it?

He finished what was left on his tray and left the dining hall. He was making his way to his dorm when he heard footsteps behind him.


It was Castiel.

Dean turned around to see him, and Castiel was trying to make his way quickly to Dean.

"I'm sorry... That I didn't say anything to you when I saw you."

Dean looked at him. "It's alright. I just figured that you may have not remembered or regretted it-"

Castiel's face turned a little red. "Regret? How could I?"

"I just thought-"

"You thought wrong then."

Dean smiled. This made him really happy.

Castiel was kind of looking past him, probably still a little hungover. "I should probably leave... Classes start soon and I need to get ready for them."

"Well, goodbye, Cas."

"Castiel," He corrected. "Goodbye, Dean."

Castiel turned and walked away, and Dean couldn't help but watch him the whole way.

After Castiel was out of sight, he went the rest of his way to his dorm and started preparing for his classes too.

He couldn't stop smiling the whole time he was getting his books ready, and couldn't help but think of when he could see Castiel next.

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