Ding Dong

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Ding dong
I know you can hear me
Open up the door
I only wanna play a little...
Ding dong you can see me waiting
It's already too late for you to try and run away
I see you in the window
Our eyes are locked together
I can sense your horror
But I'd like to see it closer
GFred woke up. That was new. Never before had there been singing. It was creepy. He hoped that was a one time thing. Like when Choomah was a pirate. Or his old girlfriend had sharp, dagger like everything. Fingers, teeth, the pupils of the eyes were sticking out in a spike and she killed him with her eyeballs.
He stood up and decided to start work early again. He went into the puppet's room and sat down next to the box. "I don't know what to do anymore. She is haunting me. I can't stand it any-" but he was interrupted by music playing in the other room.
Ding dong you can't hide from me. (Now you're it). Ding Dong looks like I have won. (Now you're it) Ding Dong pay the consequence.
GFred turned quickly and stared at the door. That wasn't possible. He'd never heard that song before.
He thought about waking Marionette but fought against it. This was probably just another dream. Or his mind playing tricks on him. This was not important enough to wake his friend for.
Besides, the puppet was lately seeming more closed in on itself. GFred wasn't sure what it was and didn't ask. He knew all too well the drag of a secret.
GFred opened the door and listened to the song start again. Ding Dong I know you can hear me...
He slowly creeped across the hall. The security guard had waisted all their power before Mangle had ended him. His screams hadn't lasted long.
He opened the door to the second dining area and walked in. As he went through it the door slammed shut behind him. He pinched his arm and, when he felt the real sting, tried to hop out.
It didn't work.
He looked around him. All doors and windows were shut and the music was still coming, he just wasn't sure from where.
"Who's in there? Freddy? BB? Chica?" Came the voice of Marionette. "Bonnie, JJ, Mangle, Spring?"
GFred chuckled to himself and yelled through the door, "The only one who you didn't mention, you madman!"
He heard the puppet gasp behind the door. "Hop out already!"
GFred hit his head on the table and said, "Sure, I hadn't already tried that."
Marionette banged on the door and asked, "Any way out?"
Golden Freddy sighed and said, "No."
The music suddenly stopped. No warning. No crackling record. Just singing, then silence. Just quiet.
Then she was in the room.
GFred didn't see her come in. Whether she'd come in through the window or quickly through the door. She just appeared, as though she could do what he could.
And she could. He knew that. He'd loved that. He'd killed that.

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