Shoulda dont it when they'd had the chance

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Candy stared at the dead ox dust on the floor.
"I can't believe he's gone. I can't believe you killed him."
GFred stared at her before saying, "we have to go. She was with him. We have to..."
Candy leapt at Rußfel.
Bonnie grabbed his mum and dragged her to the floor. Candy flew over them and turned back to them.
"You wanna play, bunny?"
Bonnie glared at her and said, "just so you know, I'm internally growling." She gave him a confused look and he rolled his eyes, "I'm a rabbit. I can't growl, it sounds like I'm purring!"
Candy smiled and hissed at him, leaping. She clawed his chest and he yelped. She grabbed him by the shirt and, ignoring Rußfel yelling at her, pinned him to the wall. His calm façade failing as he squirmed in her grip.
She let out one claw in her right index finger and pushed him against the wall with her left hand. She put the other one to the right side of his open mouth and he stopped squirming. His slight buck teeth barely in sight.
Rußfel stood on shaky legs and said, "don't!" Knowing what she was thinking.
Candy smirked and said, "or what? You'll abracadabra your way out of it?"
Bonnie suddenly whispered, "dügent pugiśnum."
Candy suddenly scraped her claw against his cheek, making him scream in pain. She started to twitch.
"What d-did you do t-t-tme?"
Bonnie couldn't answer. His cheek was bleeding badly.
Freddy, completely forgetting about his broken wrist, jumped up and picked up the rabbit's shaking form. Rußfel asked, "what's wrong with him?"
Springtrap gasped and said, "he's having a panic attack!"
Bonnie kept gulping down air but wasn't seeming to get any. Freddy started to whisper calming words into his large ears. Rußfel put her hand on his Chelsea smile and chanted something. His skin started to stitch itself back together and he started breathing normally. He blinked and looked at Freddy. Suddenly, in one movement, their lips were joined and Freddy gasped, giving Bonnie the opportunity to slip in his tongue.
Their tongues battled for dominance, but their battle was interrupted by Rußfel coughing. "Stop now"
Bonnie unlinked from Freddy and blushed. "Sorry?"
Freddy smirked at him and said, "That was fun!"
Bonnie blushed deeper.
"Sorry for kissing your son Rußfel!"
She smiled at him and said, "that is alright. And please, call me Ruth."
GFred gave Ruth the rest of the food, as she hadn't eaten anything since before she'd died.
Bonnie hugged Freddy and frowned. "So... What are we?"
The bear smiled. "Boyfriends."
Bonnie smiled before someone who they'd all forgotten about laughed.
Candy had recovered and was now laughing like a maniac.
"You are all going to pay for what you did to Choomykins!"
Foxy said, "mate... Just never say that again. Ever. Sounds like the most wrong thing in the world.
She turned to the fox and snarled at him. He in turn growled.
It looked like she'd been hit with a wrecking ball.
Her face turned to one of horror and she, in seconds, had scampered to the other end go the room. "What the scrap are you?"
He raised an eyebrow at her and said, "I'm a fox mate,"
Candy's face paled so she was white as a sheet. "A... A fox? A canine?"
Foxy frowned before realising that she was a cat. Feline. Scared of dogs. He smiled...
And barked.
Candy screamed, turned, and ran.
Never to be seen again.
The 'animatronics' watched her go and Foxy turned to GFred.
"Matey, are you... Are you ok lad?"
The golden bear frowned and said, "I'd not mind any more food if it's on offer."
Foxy laughed and pulled the other into a hug. GFred smiled and pulled out of the hug and turned it into a a kiss. Then he remembered Candy.
"Shoulda killed her properly when I had the chance."

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