Cutting Strings

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The puppet was just finishing his show. He hated himself for this. BB and JJ said they'd try to change the manager's mind but it was no good. Marionette was hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.
Chica ad Bonnie were looking for something in Marionette's box. That was where they kept everything that they didn't want the manager to find. Bonnie had tears running down his face. His mum's stuff was in here and it was hard for him to look at. He picked something up and smiled sadly. "Found it."
It was something that looked like a monopoly board. It had writing on the side but he couldn't read it. He couldn't read bunny.
"Tsch Maklysclop. Translates roughly into... Talk with the dead? We don't have a word for the and the tense says 'to'. Dative. Get it?" He said, but Mario and Chica both shook their heads. "Nothing? It's fairly easy."
Chica frowned and shrugged. "Maybe to you. You grew up talking rabbit. Bet you can't speak duck."
Bonnie frowned and asked "How much?"
Chica said, "twenty. That's bucks, not pence."
Bonnie nodded and said, "say something."
Chica immediately said "Dechemosthe"
Bonnie smiled and said "Nothing."
Chica cursed and gave him a twenty dollar note. Bonnie looked extremely smug. "Thank you"
They looked at the puppet and got out scissors. He frowned and asked, "whatcha doing?"
They laughed and said "you can't come with those strings on you. Can you?"
Marionette frowned and said, "I didn't know I was coming"
Bonnie cut one of the strings holding him in place and hugged him. "You're one of us. We stick together. That means no one gets left behind"
Marionette let them cut his strings and hugged them. "Thank tou" he said. And he meant it. They knew it. They all frowned. Now that the strings were cut he seemed a lot more happy. Not so uptight.
They ignored it and Marionette said, "What does this mean? Zįhæriouleux gdßpūłŷtîøšt gnhŷśåyėçños Vhsŵlhdbcxż." Bonnie shrugged and Chica stared at him and said, "you have a language?"
They laughed and Marionette said, "it means let's go."
Chica kept staring at him and said, "nine long words means 'let's go?'"
Marionette and Bonnie laughed and JJ came in. "You guys ready?"
They nodded.

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