Goldie Locks Two

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Candy glared at him like he was some sort of parasite. It was as if everything about him that she loved had gone down the drain. Like it didn't exist anymore. Ever. Like it had been chucked out the window, been ran over by three trucks, nine cars and a motorbike and blown away by the wind.
Golden Freddy heard Marionette still trying to open the doors but to no avail. "Why are you here?" He asked her, "You're acting like I'm impossibly cruel and the worst boyfriend in the world when I didn't do anything wrong. It was you or my brother. Sorry, but that was in your little 'relationship agreement' and there was nothing that you could do for it. Written there on paper were the exact words, I quote, if I have to choose between family or you I will always chose family. Even if you don't understand family love you like it when things are in writing and there it was. On writing."
The whole speech Candy was just standing there. Not breathing, not blinking. Not moving.
What was that thing that the school science trip was saying? MRS GREN? Movement. Respiration. Sensitivity. Growth. Reproduction. Excretion. Nutrition. The seven things every living thing does.
Then why wasn't she doing them?
Not all of them at once of course. She wasn't eating, breathing, moving and giving birth at the same time.
That would be creepy.
Marionette was now yelling something about getting help but GFred wasn't listening. He was staring at his lost love. The first person he'd ever loved. The first
person he'd had to kill.
"Candy," he said, "say something. Please."
She didn't move. A moment later she spoke. But she didn't speak in her purr of a voice. She spoke in an echoey, male voice that scared him more than anything. It was Choomah's voice. The brute beast had made him kill her and was forcing her dead corpse to try and kill him.
Not that GFred was complimenting him. Choomah was his enemy. And he knew exactly what Freddy would say. 'You have an enemy? SWEET!'
GFred wouldn't let Choomah take him. The ox needed the golden boy alive. This was because a long time ago he was dying and needed a lifeline. For some reason he thought Golden Freddy was a proper candidate, and so took part of his essence. Now, if GFred died, so did Choomah.
Unfortunately this meant that Choomah would go to great lengths to keep his lifeline alive. This mental trying to kill anyone close enough to end them, including Candy.
Candy said, "Golden Freddy, my comrade in death. His fares thee?"
GFred sighed and said, "Twenty first century you idiot. You don't have to say 'thee' or 'comrade' you weirdo."
Candy frowned and said, "I do not understand. What is weirdo? Will they try and kill us? I will slay this beast."
GFred tried his best not to laugh. Creep.
Choomah, as Candy, walked slowly towards him and GFred backed away. The music was starting but it was almost like it was broken and afraid. The singing was all creaky and the backing music was slow and out of tune.
Candy stretches out a hand and grabbed his shoulder. GFred whispered, "Sorry" and grabbed a fork stabbing it in the arm of his girlfriend. A scream emitted itself from her mouth and she tugged it out before stabbing GFred's leg. He hissed and fell on one of the steps.
By now Marionette, BB, JJ, Bonnie and Foxy were working at the door, while Freddy and Springtrap were trying to contact him. GFred didn't want to worry them so he yelled, "I'm ok."
It was obvious that he wasn't so they were now hammering at the door harshly. GFred tried standing up but his leg wouldn't hold his weight. 'Candy' pulled him up and hopped him away. Into a cage. She unlocked the door and let medics in. They went to see his leg and she locked the door behind her. She said,
"Once they've finished they will evaporate into nothings. You'll be fine and nothing will ever hurt you. Or me."

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