Family Reunion

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Bonnie looked at the Tsch Maklysclop like it was his mortal enemy. He was terrified. He was about to contact someone. Someone he thought he'd never see again.
And he really wanted to see them. Which was why he didn't want to.
He thought that if he brought her out he'd never put her back in. Only the person who brings spirits into their reality can sent them back to theirs.
But he was also scared he wouldn't find her. He'd never tried to use this before. He'd only watched his mum use it, and even then it was only glimpses. If he did this wrong...
He tried not to think about it.
He put his hand on the terrifying board and said, "Gensoid, God of Travel, listen to my plea. Find me Rußfel Jœurś and bring her forth."
His mother appeared out of black smoke and he gasped. She still had the fatal would on her chest. The injury that killed her body, but sent her spirit to whatever realm they go to.
She looked tired. He knew she'd gone tithe real version of hell, no burning fires, no demons, but eternal scorching hot day in the desert. No water. No shelter. No night.
He fought the urge to hug her. She had no physical form. All she was was a trick of lighting and black smoke. He would run straight through her.
"Śho ēm o hteth Bōnnē? Śho ēm u hteth?"
Why am I here Bōnnē? (his name in his language) Why are you here?
"Stkênsčh jo o schepch ßbäncheê"
We need your help
"Sčätnk u vîôsthē Tsch Maklysclop?"
Did you use the Tsch Maklysclop?
"G. Ghêst u schepch ßbäncheê? U hur merhïœ n hr theht asthe."
Yes. Would you help? You could maybe not go back again.
"Sphielzphieg mærg!"
Thank you mum!

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