Chapter 1 : New neighbors

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A/N : You guys voted for a romance, so here I am, writing the next story... I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this at the moment, so if you have anything you want to see happen, comment down below, and I can try to work it in... Also, if you guys want, you can check out my YouTube channel. It's kylieskatz22. I wrote a song about Riker. Also, you can check out my friend Lauren. She's listed as one of the featured channels on my YouTube homepage. I'm co-writing a book on her Wattpad account, so if you haven't checked it out yet, go check it out! Lauren's Wattpad name is @lmmonkey119 and the books we did together are called The BadBoy Saved My Life, and Living With The BadBoy. Thanks for reading and voting, and I hope you like this book! ~Kylie

Chapter 1


I paced around my bedroom, trying to slow down my heart. It was racing way too fast, meaning I was about to have an anxiety attack. I was trying to will it to go away.

"I'm ok... I'm ok..."

My heart slowed down, and my breathing went back to normal.

My windows were open, and I heard a few car door slams. I looked outside, and saw 1 car and a moving truck parked outside at the house across the street. It'd been for sale for a few months, and was bought about a week ago.

Today was the first day of summer. Finals were over, but that's not why I was so happy. I was happy because school was over. And that meant that I wouldn't have to see my stupid ex boyfriend every day.

He'd been my first boyfriend, and he'd broken my heart. I caught him cheating on me with my best friend. So now I had no boyfriend, and no best friend either.

I never wanted to go to school because they'd bully me, and make fun of me for stupid things. I never wanted to leave my room anymore.

My parents didn't know about anything that was going on except for my anxiety. That was kind of hard to hide from them. I didn't go to the doctor for it or anything. I was just sort of dealing with it on my own.


I looked out the window. There was a blonde boy on the ground in his driveway, which was just made of light gray rocks.

"Rocky, go across the street, and see if you can borrow their first aid kit."

I quickly closed my curtains. I didn't want to get caught looking over there, especially if someone was coming over to my house.

I ran into the living room, and tried to make it seem like I was just casually sitting on the couch. Someone knocked on my door, and I answered it. There was a boy with brown hair standing there.

"Hi, my name's Rocky. We just moved in across the street, and my clumsy older brother fell. I was wondering if you had a first aid kit I could borrow?"

"Yeah. Just a second..."

I ran down the hall towards my bathroom, and then brought him the first aid kit.

"Thanks. I'll bring it back when we're done."

I nodded, and he left.

Riker POV

I'd ripped a hole in my jeans, and my knee hurt like crazy.

"Riker, go change into some shorts, and we'll fix up your knee," mom said.


I grabbed my suitcase, went inside, and found the bathroom. I'd packed my clothes in multiple suitcases, and I didn't have any shorts in this one. But I had swim suits, so I put that on instead. It was basically the same thing anyways.

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