WW11 Thunderstorm

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Word Count: 1824

Warnings: None

Thunder rippled through the air like waves crashing onto the damp sand of a stormy beach; streaks of rain came down in hard, cold sheets, thrashing against the canvas that protected the two boys while they slept, the occasional spear of lightning cutting through the dark and outlining the blackened clouds with its harsh light.  

The thin canvas of the small tent didn't provide much protection against the storm, the sheets of rain attacking the harsh material, mud dampening under the base sheet as the icy water soaked into the ground. The only heat came from the sleeping form of Steve Rogers, it radiated off of his built body as his body temperature ran higher than it did when he was small. The serum. The serum that Dr. Erskine had chosen him to take didn't just make him stronger (a Super Soldier ) but also made his body temperature higher than a normal human, causing him to be like a living hot water bottle for the cold Bucky Barnes laying next to him.

Bucky shivered; a ripple through his shaking body as the thunder sounded again, rumbling deep through the ground, making Bucky jump slightly, making the sleeping bag rustle softly.

The blond, sleeping softly, had his large arms around the brunet in a protective cage, shielding him from the cold and the wet around them and as a way for Steve to be sure Bucky was there, was breathing, was not in that HYDRA base any more and that he was safe.

The brunet felt the same, his arms wrapped tightly around the blond's thin waist with his head pressed against Steve's chest, listening to the steady heartbeat. Although, he was not used to the change in his little Stevie, who would pick a fight with anything that breathed, as he now was larger and had been made into a weapon, but he still had those same sparkling-blue eyes and beautiful smile. 

Bucky sighed a shaky sigh, letting out the breath he didn't know he had been holding, his chest sinking down, as he pulled back slightly so he could drink in the sight of Steve; his blond hair was all ruffled, his soft, pink lips slightly parted and his face completely relaxed as he slept, he was more Steve Rogers rather than The American Hero , Captain America. 

Steve had flown into a HYDRA base wearing only stage clothes and props to stop himself from harm, not knowing if the one he loved was actually alive, but he went anyway, hope driving him. He went for the one he couldn't love but also the one he couldn't stay away from, no matter how "wrong" being with another man was, Bucky meant everything to him and no one could separate him from his Bucky.

Seeing Bucky strapped to that cold, metal table, with different tools on the work table beside him made Steve's stomach lurch and unable to stand upright as nausea set in his throat, not knowing what they had done to him and also not wanting to know what he had been through.

Bucky recognised him, though, life had returned to his emotionless grey/blue eyes once he had focused on Steve; his mouth tugging into a pained smile at the sight of Steve, tall and muscular, towering over him, calling out his name. 

Thunder cracked through the air, making Bucky jump, the sound of the crack silencing the rain in its wake, before the sound of the rain bled through again, pattering against the tent roof and rain down the sides in small rivers. Bucky's greyish blue eyes followed these rivers, shivering, he pulled himself back into Steve again, his body flush against Steve's,, his lips pressed against the hollow above the blond's collarbone, eyes still following the patterns running along the canvas roof. The lines started to blur and his mind became foggy as sleep pulled him down in a wave, crashing over his head and pulling him further into the warm waters. 

His eyes fluttered closed but they soon flew open once the gunfire and burning orange and sunset-yellow flames rose behind them, his heartbeat quickening and hammering against his chest. Gasping, he wound his arms tighter around Steve. He couldn't sleep. Or, he wont, because of the nightmares and images that flare up behind his tired eyes every time he closes them, preventing him from doing so.

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