{ 5SOS imagines and preferences }

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I'll be the one who takes care of your feels and smashes them to pieces. :)

I try to be funny, but ya know, that never happens.

and I think that I suck at writing, but clearly you guys all think that I am great at it. thanks :)

most of my readers call me the insecure one. gee. thanks.

btw everytime that I upload an imagine or preference, I put a link to a youtube song or a gif in the sidbar, and it usually goes along with what the theme is for that chapter.

have fun with the feels in the rest of the chapters. :)

i try not to put lots of authors notes, so just bear with me if I do, and then I'll probably delete the note after a week or so.



{ 5SOS imagines and preferences }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora