{ ashton, part one }

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Imagine #5.

Btw, this is before you were in a relationship with any of the boys and all of you are just friends. You had went on tour with them, and yeah. It pretty much explains itself. P.S. this is probably going to be a two parter! Get ready.

"I am so sorry, Calum! I just can't take this anymore!" You screamed at him. Tears were screaming down your face, your heart pounding against your chest in a not so rhythmic motion.

"Why not, (Y/N)?! Is it because of, Ashton? Or me? Or Luke? What about Michael? What is it? I could help! I don't want to see you walk away from everything you've helped us through! Please answer me!" Calum banged on the door of the back of the tour bus; where you locked yourself in. You rapidly picked up the clothes you had lying around everywhere and tossed them in your suitcase rapidly. You wanted to get away from these boys, and you wanted to do it quickly.


You stared at him. The boy that made your heart beat 10 times faster whenever he acknowledged your presence. The way he laughed and that damn dimple poked out whenever he smiled his huge smile. The way he would give you the biggest hugs whenever you needed someone to feel like you belonged in this world. There was no way you would still be living if it weren't for that day that he saved you from yourself. That boy's name was Ashton Irwin. He was your savior, and you were grateful that he made the actions that he did. Ashton- the name just rolled off of your tongue so naturally. As if it was meant to be there from the start.

You snapped out of your thoughts whenever Luke literally snapped his fingers right in front of your face to get your attention. "Hellooo? (Y/N)?! Wow, dude, you need to stop zoning out on me like that. It confuses me. Anyway, I saw the way you were looking at him. You like him, awh. Little (Y/N) here has her first crush! How adorable!" Luke fluttered his eyelashes and placed his hands together, brining them up to the side of his head while he said, 'awh.'

You gently nudged him on the shoulder, playfully glaring at him. "Maybe, just a little. But, Luke, please don't tell him. That would probably make him avoid me the rest of the tour." You and Luke laughed together while Ashton took a quick glance at both of you. You looked back at him with lust in your eyes. You really did love him, but you were just too afraid to admit it. What if he didn't feel the same way? That was always the question that laid heavily on your mind.

Fuck, he is hotter then hell. You thought to yourself. Ashton really was fine, but you obviously weren't the only one that thought that. He was one of the hottest boybands on the earth and every single little girl made sure that she told all of her friends that he was hers. You thought it was adorable, but they were being serious, and sometimes it scared you a little.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Luke asked you, now serious. You shrugged, were you? No, absolutely not. He rolled his eyes, a signal he always gave you if you were being a woos about something as little as this. Only, to you, this wasn't 'little'. This was one hell of a big deal. It might have been bigger than when you got your heart broken by a fucking jackass that cheated on you in a club and didn't even come chasing for you. That was a huge deal.

"You know how I feel about these types of things, Luke. You know I just can't come out in the open like that." You admitted quietly to him. You looked over and saw Michael doing the whole, 'I see you' sign with his fingers directly at you and Luke. You giggle while Luke laughed and you continued you evening with sneaking peeks at Ashton, talking with Luke, and laughing with Mike.

Little did you know, Ashton was looking at you too.

2 Hours Later, At The Arena.

You walked into the place with Luke, Michael, and Calum. Ashton was off doing who knows what while the three of you made your way to the dressing rooms. You guys got closer to Ashton's dressing room, and started to hear giggling.

Must be him and Lou laughing, you thought to yourself. You guys barged in, unprepared for the sight you guys saw. Ashton, on the couch, with an un-known blonde sitting on his lap, kissing him. No, not kissing, slobbering all over his face and he seemed as if he was enjoying it. It truly made you want to vomit and cry at the same time. Vomit; That sight was just disgusting. Cry; Ashton was kissing another girl.

I should have told him earlier, you thought to yourself. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you continued to stare at both of them and soon enough they were both staring right back at you.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Ashton asks you. You just looked down and shook your head. You turned around to see Luke giving you a sympathetic look. You looked down and rushed out of the room, your throat tying in a knot and the tears flowing down your face. You rushed into the tour bus and looked for the thing you always hid from the boys; your alcohol. Then, you rushed off of the bus and up the stairs of the arena, all the way to the rooftop. The liquid seethed down your throat with each sip, numbing the pain for just a while.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?!" Someone screeched. You turned around and saw the last person you wanted to see on this earth at this very moment;

Ashton Fletcher Irwin.

Omg I love a good old cliff hanger. Part 2 is coming up soon, patience my good friends.

After this imagine is over, requests qill be open! Thank you for all the reads and votes!

{ 5SOS imagines and preferences }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora