{ after the breakup }

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above:: the reason by hoobastank 😍

just a little note before you read: im gonna start putting these imagines in first person pov instead of second because it's boring and annoying to write in second person. and im really sorry about not updating as much as i would like to, my life is always just a roller coaster of emotions with a lot of people that don't like me anymore yet won't leave me alone. idk sometimes I just want to give up but then I remember that I got a lot of motherfuckers to prove wrong and that one day I will do so, So I just gotta keep on keepin on. like legit. it's crazy but i promise ill try to update a lot more okay because i love you guys and your feedback. mwaaahhhh ❤️❤️

Preference #10.


I stood awkwardly in the middle of Sephora, trying to decide on what to get my daughter, Natalia, for her 15 birthday. Most parents would be like, "Really? Makeup for her birthday? She's only fifteen, that shouldn't be okay with you or her father." Like okay that's your opinion dude, her father is so fucking feminine himself and likes to walk out on people without warning that you wouldn't be surprised when he said he was okay with it, especially since he only ever wanted to see her once a fucking month for a week at a time.

In case it wasn't obvious enough, Luke had left me hanging for this girl he met right when Natalia turned five and only wanted to start seeing her again when she turned twelve. He deserves father of the year, am I right? Damn, I'm so wrong. Don't get me wrong, the girl was wonderful but she fell for such the wrong person. Surprised that they're still together tbh.

I reached down to pick up a naked pallet sample case off of the shelf and opened it to see if the colors it contained were suitable for her. I swiped my finger across one of them, rubbing it in between my thumb and fore finger.

"I think she'd like that one." A voice said from behind me. I whipped around to see a giraffe standing behind me (also known as Luke Hemmings). I glared up at him with an arched eyebrow as he smiled down at me as if he was the cutest thing in the world.

"What are you doing here?" I snarled.

"Probably doing the same thing that you're doing, shopping for our daughters birthday." Luke replied, still smiling at me. I turned around and placed the sample down, picking up an unopened one and checking the price.

"Our daughter?" I laughed, "Hardly, since you never want to see her or pay for child support or anything." I turned back around to look at him and the smile was so far gone I could literally see it running down the corridors of the shopping mall.

"I know I'm a shitty dad and I always have been, but that doesn't mean you need to bring it up every time I bump into you somewhere." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. I rolled my eyes and walked away, up to the cashier so I could pay for what my Natalia deserved. She asked me some questions, blah blah blah, before finally bagging the thingy and handing it to me.

"Have a nice day!" She said energetically as I nodded and made my way to the door. Before I made it, I turned and looked at Luke, who was still standing in the same place I left him in and was surprisingly already looking at me.

"She probably already told you about this over the phone, but.. We're having a party for Nat on Friday at the house. Her friends and most of her family will be there, even your mom. She really wants you to be there, Luke, so could you try and make it this time?" I said it in the most gentle way you could say something to someone you hate.

Luke stared at me for a moment before nodding, "I'll definitely be there this time, (Y/N)." We both smiled at each other before going our separate ways.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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