{ you make up, part two to you break up }

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Preference #2: You Make Up.

Part Two: You Make up. Yaaaaay.

I listened to A Drop In The Ocean, by Ron Pope while writing this. I also listened to other sad songs to help get me in the mood, so I would suggest you to listen to songs like that. Secondhand Serenade is a good one also, All Time Low, Sleeping with Sirens, 3 Doors Down, and a little bit of 5SOS and One Direction here and there. all of them were sad, because that's just how it happened. So, yeah. Enjoy the feels below. :)


It's been quite a few weeks since you and Luke had broken up. The first couple of weeks made you want to have him back so badly, because all he would do is call you and leave messages about how he wants his baby back in his arms and he never wants to let her go ever again.

Well that didn't last long. After 2 weeks of him doing that, he stopped all together and didn't bother you since he stopped calling and messaging you. After him not trying anymore, you just decided to stay indoors for a while; a long while. Finally, your best friend decided it was time for you to see what it was like in the outside world again. She drove you to the park, where you guys had turned from playing a friendly game of soccer to an all-out tickle war. you eventually got away from her, only to look up and into the eyes of the boy who hurt you.

Luke Hemmings.

He looked back at you with sorrow in his eyes. Luke reached out a hand to help you up, but you refused and helped yourself up. "Look, (Y/N), I mean, wait just hear me out." He caught your attention, and you listened to him ramble on and on about how he needs you back. Eventually, you shut him up by planting a big one on his lips.

He was taken back by your sudden actions, but soon enough he kissed you back with all the passion he had in him. Silent tears rolled down your face and Luke gently wiped them away with the pad of his thumb. "I swear, if I ever do that to you again, you can leave me in the dust and I'll completely understand that time." Luke mumbled against your lips. "I love you so much, (Y/N)."

"I love you so much more."


A week. That was how long it had been since you had seen Ashton, and to be quite honest with yourself, you were a complete mess. You missed him just as much as he missed you, but something was holding you back from running back to him, into his safe, warm, and caring arms. The boys had told you that he had taken everything worse than you had, and he hadn't even bothered to leave the house since the night you left.

Your friends had managed to get you out of the house and managed to go to McDonald's. While you were in line talking to your friends, Ashton stood behind you with the other boys with sadness gleaming in his eyes. After about 2 minutes of him staring at you, and you feeling like someone had been watching you the whole time, you turned around only to see him, which you really didn't want to see him, obviously.

You just shook your head while tears welled up in your eyes and you turned around. "(Y/N).." You quietly heard Ashton mumble, but being the stubborn person you are, you kept your eyes focused on your friends and the menu ahead. It was your turn to order, so you stepped up and did. You grabbed your food and sat at a table near the back with your friends, only to have Ashton lead his friends over to a table near yours. You rolled your eyes and turned your focused back, again, to your friends in hopes that he would just forget and leave you alone. You felt a tap on your shoulder, so you looked up and into Ashton's eyes once again.

"Can we talk? Uh, ya know, in private." He asked carefully. You agreed and the two of you went outside to talk.

"Look, Ashton, I know you miss me, and I miss you too, but I don't think that i could be with you again. You hurt me really badly by calling me a selfish bitch. I'm sorry, but.." You trailed off, not even looking into his eyes. Ashton really was your true love, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell him that.

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