{ luke }

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above: breathe me by sia

Imagine #3.

Luke and I were in a heated argument. Again. For the 5th time this week. That was all we had been doing this week; fighting. We had been in a relationship for 2 years and these past few months had been the longest months of my life. He was always out with the boys, recording, or being grumpy, simply without a reason.

"Why are we always doing this, Luke?!" I screamed at him.

"Doing what, (Y/N)?!" He yelled back.

"This! Yelling and screaming at each other like it is a normal routine! I miss when all we did was laugh till it hurt, cuddle, feed fruits to each other!"

The next words that came out of his mouth were a complete surprise; words I never expected to come out.

"Why are you always so difficult?! You're always in my hair, telling me what to do and how to do it! Why don't you just go away for once? Why don't you just go cut yourself to give yourself something to do? Or better yet, go kill yourself to get farther away from me and I'll never have to see you again!"

I took several steps back away from him, a pain hitting your chest as hard as if a time a bricks hit you in the chest. I eventually hit a wall, sliding down it as tears fell over the edge of your eyes. Sobs racked my chest as it was becoming harder to breathe.

He doesn't know, I thought to yourself, he'll never know. When I was younger, I had started self-harming because I hated myself. I purged every time I ate something, cut myself, burned my thighs with the lighter I hid from my parents. I got up slowly and faced the not-so-steaming Luke. He looked at me as if what he said didn't bother him, so it shouldn't have bothered me one bit.

"Why would you ever say something like that?" I said in a quiet voice, his facial expression softening a bit. A feeling of realization hit him, causing him to look away from me. He looked up a little, his eyes starting to turn red. He was ashamed of himself; he knew that he should have never said that. He was raised never to treat a girl like she was any less than perfect.

"(Y/N), I am so sorry I-"

"No, Luke! Don't even try to say sorry, because you're not! If you didn't mean it, then why would you even say it?! I am so done, Luke. Don't bother coming upstairs tonight. Don't talk to me ever again." Tears streaming down my face, I went upstairs to our bedroom, slammed the door, and locked it. I curled into a ball on the bed, finally letting yourself break down, because I surely wasn't going to let myself do that in front of Luke and give him the satisfaction that he hurt me.

I stayed in that fetal position for what felt like forever. I looked at the clock; it had only been 10 minutes. I quietly made your way down the stairs of the flat as I finally hit the hardwood floor of the kitchen. I couldn't see Luke anywhere, which relieved me. Looking everywhere in the entire flat, which was quite big, he was nowhere to be found. Just to be safe for overnight, I went around and locked all the doors. I double checked. Then triple checked. It just seemed as if I didn't feel safe when I knew Luke wasn't around.

I sighed before trudging upstairs and shutting the bedroom door with a bang, the noise echoing throughout the empty flat.


I was jolted out of your deep sleep through the sound of my phone vibrating. The light from the phone was very painful to my bloodshot eyes. They hurt even worse from crying so much that that's how I fell asleep. I finally was able to see out of your eyes when I read the screen;

Lukey Boo💕: iMessage (1)

Fresh tears sprang to my eyes as I read his name. I just missed him so much, even after what he said to me. I wondered what he did after he left here...

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