{ ashton, part two }

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Imagine #6.

Part Two.

You stood there, staring blankly at Ashton. He looked a taken back by the scene he witnessed; You, standing on a rooftop, eyes bloodshot, tequila in your hand. It was the most horrid thing he had ever seen coming from you.

"What the hell has gotten into you, (Y/N)?! Why are you sitting up here drinking your problems away? That is never going to be okay for a person I really lo- truly deeply care about." Ashton cut himself off mid-sentence which made your mind spin with a bunch of different comebacks. It hurt your head just to think, but right now, your drunken self was getting ready to take over and handle everything your way.

Here we go again.

"What's the problem with me? The real question should be what's the problem with you," You slurred, trying to keep yourself in balance, "Trying to make me all jealous with that dumb new blonde girlfriend of yours. Matter of fact she's just as ugly as your last one!" You giggle before taking another swig of the burning liquid, letting it slide down your throat at ease. Ashton stared at you, anger building up in his big hazel eyes. 'Oh shit.' You thought to yourself.

You had crossed the line once again and he was getting ready to let you know that in 3..2..1.

"How dare you say that, (Y/N)! None of my girlfriends have ever been ugly, and you only say that because you're jealous of them! Obviously this is the reason why all of my girlfriends leave me heartbroken, because you probably tell the shit that isn't fucking true! You are one of the most stubborn, rude, obnoxious girls I have ever met, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I am probably going to be proud to say this for the rest of my life but.. I will never in a million years like you any more than an enemy. You are so rude to everyone, especially when you're in this state! Why would I ever like you if you acted like this all the time?! I'm done fighting with you. Have fun screwing up other people's lives because I am done with you screwing up mine. Goodbye." And with that, Ashton turned around and made his way back down the stairs he took to make it up there.

And there you sat, smirking. You thought it was all fun and games and that he would be happy and smiling when he came off stage and give you a big hug. Little did your drunk self know, that wasn't the case.


You waited for the boys to get off stage, anxious to see them. You had sobered up all the way and had forgotten all about what happened earlier that day. You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Michael say 'goodbye' to the crowd. You clapped loudly, ready to give them all a hug. Especially Ashton.

They walked off of the stage and Ashton shot you daggers. You just looked at him before he stormed off farther ahead of you than he already was. You finally caught up to him after about 10 minutes of running to catch him. "Ashton, did I do something wrong?" You asked him, completely clueless as to why he was acting this way.

"You know exactly why I'm acting this way, (Y/N). " Ashton grumbled. He walked farther ahead and once again, you caught up to the cranky 19 year old.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a minute. Are you saying the reason you're acting this way is because of me?" You asked once again.

"Oh my god, don't you remember what happened earlier, you dumb twat?" He said in a harsh tone. You stepped back a couple of feet before standing your ground once again.

"I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me what I did! If what I did upset you, then I'm really, really sorry about it, Ashton." Your voice cracked mid-sentence, your emotions bubbling up inside of you. He looked at you before walking off again and on to the tour bus. Surely he didn't think that, that one little obstacle would keep you from getting what you wanted.

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