Chapter 33

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short chapter, eiplogue coming up :)


Chapter 33

‘’he’s ok, in fact we’re glad that happened,’’ Dr. K said returning from his room.

‘’really?’’ I asked shocked.

‘’really, honestly go in more, talk to him more, do whatever it is you guys do, maybe he’ll snap back soon,’’ he nodded seriously.

‘’how is he now though?’’ I asked staring at Matt.

He was lying still and his eyes were shut.

‘’he’s asleep, I guess staying awake for weeks finally caught up to him. The medication should be working soon and the sleeping is the first sign that the medicine works. Without the medicine he’d be hallucinating and not realize that he’s tired, but the fact that he fell asleep shows that he’s not feeling numb and is back,’’

‘’that’s great, thank you so much,’’ I said sincerely.

‘’it’s alright, just try to come more,’’

‘’aye aye doc,’’

I looked at Matt’s sleeping figure and couldn’t help but smile gently.


‘’hello!’’ I greeted sweeping into the room.

Matt’s eyes were shut but I was told that they monitored that he was awake. Hearing my voice his eyes opened and he looked at me and nodded lightly.

‘’despite of yesterday’s depressing mood, I’m actually feeling a lot better today,’’ I said dropping into the chair. ‘’can you guess why?’’

He shrugged but his eyes burned with curiousity.

‘’well…’’ I said rolling out the word nice and long. ‘’you’re doing better,’’

He rolled his eyes playfully and shrugged again.

‘’I got some cards, wanna play a game?’’ I said bringing out some cards.

He nodded.

We played a few rounds of Big two, snap and other random card games, mostly it was silent but I tried to say as much as I could.

‘’I WIN I WIN!’’ I said slapping my hand down just a tad bit quicker than his on a game on snap.

‘’I GOT NO CARDS LEFT!’’ I cheered as I stood up and did a happy dance.

He shook his head but a playful smile crept on his face as he gathered all the cards together.

I glanced at the clock and sighed. ‘’I’m so sorry Matt but I have to go now,’’

His eyes lost the slight glow.

‘’it’s ok though, I’ll be back tomorrow,’’ I said smiling.

I gathered my stuff and got up to leave, then his hands closed around my wrists sending a wave of electricity through my body. I turned around and faced him my eyes twinkling with happiness and excitement.

He cleared his throat, once, twice. ‘’th-thanks,’’ he stuttered out in a croaky voice.

I beamed. ‘’no problem,’’

He nodded but refused to let go, I grabbed his other hand sliding my finger through his, he pulled my arm closer and placed my palm on his cheek, and leaned towards my hand breathing in deeply. I stroke his soft cheek with my fingers letting the soft skin melt into my palm, his eyes shut and a small smile curled on his lips.

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