Chapter 25

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another filler, it'll start to get more interesting in the next chapter or so :) 

Chapter 25

Matt POV

‘’it’s Matthew!’’

‘’Matthew Stuarts!”’

‘’he’s back!’’

‘’no flippin way!”’

‘’dude he’s right there!”’

‘’oh my god!’’

‘’didn’t they say he killed himself or something?’’

‘’he’s alive!’’

‘’he’s not dead?!’’

‘’oh my god I knew those were rumours!”’

‘’I wonder how he didn’t die or came back to life,’’

‘’I told you he didn’t jump off a building!’’

 ‘’oh my god! That’s really Matthew Stuarts!’’

The crowd parted like the damn red sea as I stepped into the hallways. Did I grow a beard overnight? Was I Moses? No I’m pretty sure I’m still Matt. my eyes narrowed into slits, all my guards went up as I walked through the hallway gingerly. If I was the old Matt I would’ve growled and glared at everyone scaring them off, but today was my first day back in months, I wasn’t going to let some sick gossipy girls ruin my day. Some. Haha what a joke. The whole flippin school was surprised I was back. Because I died. Well I couldn’t exactly blame them, I had died. I just wondered how they knew, gossip travels fast I guess.

Narrowing my eyes was as far as my unfriendliness went to; I was determined to make my first day back a good one.

I turned another corridor and a hushed silence fell over the crowd, I started picking my way through the crowd but the same situation happened. People parted way for me like I was a freakin’ god, I’m just plain ol’ Matt Stuart for goodness sake. The similar whispers stroke up as I walked through the corridor. I arrived at my locker and opened it. I felt hundreds of eyes piercing into the back of my head. After gathering my books I slammed it shut loudly causing a loud Bang to echo around the silent hallways. Some people even jumped. I hid a snigger and rounded a corner into my English classroom.

The class gaped at me as I settled into my seat casually.

‘’hey Matt, my man!”’ Tyler greeted bouncing into the seat next to me.

‘’hey,’’ I greeted as we did a fist bump.

Everybody dropped their jaw in awe, this was the first time they saw me ever react to a friend I guess. I mean they’d seen me hangout with them but they called me a ‘’silent wannabe’’, I guess not people.

‘’so how’s life?’’ Tyler asked enthusiastically even though we were both fully aware of the crowd around us. ‘’how’ve you been,’’

I mentally slapped him in the back and thanked the heavens for giving me such a cool friend. Our audience tipped further towards me to hear my answer.

‘’been great, my grandma’s awesome by the way,’’ I lied smoothly.

I had an audience, now all I needed to do was feed them some lies and they’d run off and soon word would go around that I didn’t kill myself, go depressed or stay in the hospital, I was simply visiting a sick grandma.

‘’told you that green tea would’ve worked,’’ Tyler lied alongside with the same easy manner.  I hid a chuckle when he said green tea. ‘’glad to hear she’s doing better, the ride from here to her place must’ve been long!’’

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