part 20

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-Harry's pov-

i finally loosen my grip on her waist, she put her feet back on the ground.

"sorry" she looks way uncomfortable.

"it's OK" i look at the ground, i don't wanna look at our shocked group of friends. why do i have to make everything so awkward?

"so who's next?" Niall saves me.

"we'll go" Eleanor gets up from her seat holding Louis hand. i just hope this embarrassing moment will be forgotten, not for Katy but for anyone else. she set back in our booth, i did the same thing only i decided to take a sit far from her. 

"i'm going to grab a pizza tray, special toppings anybody?" Zayn asks.

"no, i hate the toppings here" Nikol answer. i hate her behavior, she hates almost everything and it's impossible to please her. Zayn nods and walks away.

"so Katy, are you single?" Nikol turns to Katy with a repulsive smirk on her face.

"no, i have a boyfriend." Katy states , why does everybody she meets have to ask that? 

"oh, than where is he?" she looks behind her head.

"he is not in London, he... well.." Katy stutters, i can see it's hard for her to say he is far away from her and she doesn't really know what they are right now. God i want to grab this asshole that let this angel slip away from him and bit the shit out of him. how come he can have her?

"he's away for a few days" i finished her sentence.

she looked up at me and mouth the words 'thank you'. 

 you don't know the guy let it go.. my mind brings me back to reality. Katy is taken and she is obviously loves that Christian guy, but still if there's a slight chance that maybe she will understand he isn't good for her.

-Katy's pov-

Nikol looks at Harry than at me.

"he know's you'r so friendly with Harry?" she smirks. i don't like her so much.

"well, no, i live in London for just a week,he doesn't know i met some new pepole, we haven't spoke in a couple of days" i lie, Christian and i haven't spoke to each other for at least 5 days, it's alot for me.

"wait so you'r saying you and you'r boo are having a long distance relationship?" 

"yeah kind of" i shrug.

"but you said he was out of town for only a few days" she points at harry, attribute to his lie.

"yes.. i.." i don't know what to say.

"he left you to go to another country? alone?" she says with a shock expression but she has a bitchy smile at the tip of her red colored lips.

"no! of course not!" i say with a much louder voice than i intended.

"than what did he do?he had enough of you?" she gets closer and closer and i can feel the air geting thicker and thicker every second.

"no, just.."

"oh so you were.." 

"shut up already!" harry stands up and his knuckles are white from the pressure.

Nikol jumped slightly and looks horrified but with that stupid smirk that i can see she is about to show, she is more than pleased with the outcomes of her attack on me.

"what the hell is wrong with you? leave her alone!" harry practically shouts. Niall walks over to us and takes in the scene. where's Ron when you need him?

"i was just asking her questions harry" she's that smirk. what's her problem?

"than don't!" 

"it's okay really.." i try to cool the air a little when harry cuts me off.

"it's not okay! she is trying to upset you!" he waves his hands towards her.

"no i'm not i just met her! why on earth would i want to upset her?" she says equally as loud.

"that doesn't matter right now." he says less loud than before.

"no, go ahead" she says.

"you..." he starts.

"can you take me home?" i interrupt him, i know he doesn't want to say what he has to say in front of everyone, and i really want to go home, i don't want to spend another second near her.

"what? now?" he asks with a softer voice.

"yeah i'm feeling kind of tired and you'r the only one i know with a car.." i say and Nikol cools herself down and lay back on her seat to watch us. she doesn't have a stupid smirk this time.

"i don't want to bother you, i can ask someone else." i add.

"no, no i want.. i mean i can drive you." he smiles and takes his keys out of his pocket. i smile and grab my purse.

"you'r going already?" Niall asks.

"yeah, sorry i ruin the night i didn't mean to " i apologize.

"don't be silly, you didn't ruin anything." he assures me and gives me a goodbye hug.

i say my goodbyes to everyone, i wanted to avoid Nikol but i'm not rude.

" you ready?" Harry asks. i nod.

"but you'r coming back here right?" i asks.

"yeah why?"

"cause Ron doesn't have a ride" i joke and he laughs.

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