part 41

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-Harry's pov-

Katy's hand drops from mine and onto the mattress. her gaze is fixed on me, my singing must've confused her even more. i didn't even know she was here yet i did sang it for her, it's like she heard me from miles away and knew that it's for her and just followed the music. like i was calling for her.

" are you feeling?" he soft voice comes out quietly.

"i'm alot better, my broken rib has healed and you can see that i no longer has this blue marks on my face but the doctor told me i should be getting out of here soon." i say as casual as i can, but her face still drops in guilt.

"i'm so sorry." she whisperers. i lift myself from the mattress and cup her fallen face with my hands.

"you have nothing to be sorry for." i tell her. "you didn't do it." it's that asshole Christian who did it, she always takes the credit for his bad behavior while he takes the credit for her good one. it's pretty noble of her to do it even though she shouldn't, but i won't let my hatred towards this guy to get the best of me, for Katy.

"but if it wasn't for me, Christian wouldn't have came here and you two wouldn't have fought and you weren't in this stupid hospital right now all hurt." she says. a deep frown takes over my face.

"he chose to come here, if you didn't tell him to come here you shouldn't feel guilty about what he does while he's here." i try to make her feel as less as bad as i can. "even if you did tell him, you'r not the one who's responsible for his actions."

"why can't he see what he has." i whisper after a few moments of silence. i let go of her face.

"because i do, but it isn't mine to keep." her eyes looks deep into me, examining my face for more sweet things. she stays quiet, i can tell her mind is racing in search for something. i have to know what she's thinking right now, if she stays quiet i will explode. i want to make her smile again, to wipe that frown off her pretty face.

"say something."i tell her.

"i don't know what to say, i can't break up with Christian just like that." she says and my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. "there's just too much going on right now, with Christian and my dad's visit, my new apartment i have to take care of, with my new car and it's payments..." a new car? when did she get a car? "with you two's fight, with Christian's bruises." she sighs."and you in here." she waves towards me.

"Katy, half of these things doesn't even revolve around you, you shouldn't worry about them."

"but these are thing that i care about, i can't just ignore them." she says and my heart leaps at her choice of words. she cares about me. you sound like a god damned child, stop getting emotional about everything she says!! my mind scolds me. he's right. i shouldn't get so excited about every single word that's coming out of her beautiful full lips.

"i didn't tell you to, just don't say it's you'r fault when it's obviously not."

she stays quiet for a while, playing with her fingers as her hair falls on her face like a curtain. i stretch my and to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. her gaze is on me again.

"you have a really nice voice." she softly states. i smile at her attempt to lighten up the mood.

"i've been getting that alot, don't know why."

"maybe because you have a really nice voice?" she asks the obvious while nodding her head playfully.

"maybe." i chuckle.


-Katy's pov-

i stepped out of the hospital, adjusting the coat tighter against my body when the cold wind hits my face. during me and Harry's discussion on a book about a potato named Carlo, a nurse walked in the room, telling me i have to leave. we spoke nearly two hours, i guess time flies when you'r having fun. as much as you can have talking about a potato named Carlo. i smile at the thought.

i was lucky i could change the subject fast so we could leave the heavy conversation alone, i wanted to make him feel better not go deep in thoughts about me or Christian or anyone else. he was so sweet for his attempt of making me feel less guilty than i should.  once i reached to my car, i unlocked it and climbed in. i placed my bag in the passenger's sit next to me and started the engine, closed the door and took off. hot air was coming out from the air conditioner in the car, turning on the radio, the song "apologize" by One republic was on. i turn on the volume and enjoy the rest of the song while driving.

i climbed out of my car and onto the pavement in front of my grandmother's house and walked up the stairs to her front door. i walked inside the kitchen to find Christian and Ron on the dining chairs and Dani on the counter top.

"why is the kitchen the first thing you enter when you arrive home?" Ron laughs and i can't help but laugh with him.

"why are you always here when i enter the kitchen?" i fire back they laughed as i did.

"where were you?" Christian asks. hello to you too... aren't you supposed to be asleep?

"at the mall." i lie, i thought about what i would tell him if he asks me. i can't just tell him 'oh i went to visit the guy you kicked the shit out of him who also kissed you'r girlfriend instead of taking care of you after you told me not to see him anymore.' can i? however he can't tell me who i can and can't hang out with.

"where's you'r bags?" he smirks, why is he smirking?

"you know i don't have to buy something every time i'm at the mall, right?" i say and he shrugs. he looks like he bought it... even though it's 10 pm and the mall closes at 9 pm.

"how come you woke up?" i asked him.

"that stupid dog in the house next door.. he's right outside you'r window." he groans and ilaugh at him. i find it amusing that something didn't go the way mighty Christian wanted.

"well i'm going to bed, with or without the dog." i smile and gives Christian a pack on the lips before walking up the stairs to brush my teeth. it was along day and i just want to forget about everything and focus on the wonderful dream that is yet to come at night. 

after brushing my teeth and changing into some tights and a t-shirt, i entered my room and examine it. i looked over to the mattress and cringe at the memory of sleeping on it. i cursed when i laid my back on the hard mattress as my back made a clicking sound.  i crawled onto my bed and sighed in pleasure at my soft duvet laying on top of me. 

Bite me Christian, i'm not coming down from here.

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