part 44

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my heart is pounding and my lungs are swelling to their maximum, how can he do this to me?! Michel is on Christian's lap and his hands are placed on her ass. she rises up and down by his words as he smirks at her. her naked body trembles by her moves, and her moans are loud and clear. they're doing it.. on my bed! my own fucking bed!

"what the fuck?!" i yell, balling my hands into a ball with anger. they both jump off each other and Christian's eyes are wide, Michel covers her exposed body with the blanket with a wicked smirk on her face.

"she's supposed to be you'r sister, aren't she?!?!" i spit, anger builds inside of me and i'm ready to smash his and her's head on the wall. "how can you do this to me?!"

"what can i possibly do? you stuck up bitch!" he fires back. i'm taken aback by his words. i wasn't good enough for him? 

"you'r such a bore darling.." i hear Michel's disgusting voice giggle.

"you weren't pleasing me... and a man needs his pleasure." he smirks. i want to wipe that stupid smirk out of his face with a bat!

"so you go and fuck you'r sister!?" i ask, when reality hits me . "she isn't you'r sister, right?" i almost whisper. Harry was right, i shouldn't have stayed with him, i shouldn't have rejected Harry. he knew whats best for me and i was living in such a stupid fantasy that i love that fucking idiot that i just didn't listen...

"get out." i say.

"what?" Christian chuckles like my words mean nothing to him.

"get out this fucking instant!!" i yell at the top of my lungs and Michel jump again and take her clothes with her and run out of the room. 

"shameless whore." i tell her when she passes me and exit the door.

"baby!" he yells towards her with a smile on his face. 

"what didn't you understand in get the fuck out?" i ask, stepping closer to him. my height is towering him because he's sitting on the bed, i decide to take it as an advantage.

"i understood i just don't care." he says and leans back down. how can he act like it's ok? like he didn't do anything wrong? does he think that he could just make up for what he did and it all will come around and be fine? no fucking way. my jaw tense and i know there's not much i can do to get him out except to go down on my knees and beg him to leave the house. i hear the front door slams shut and he sighs.

"i hate you and everything about you!! you fucking piece of shit!!" i curse him and storm out of the room. i don't know where i'm going but i really don't care. i feel like the most stupidest girl on earth that i left him up there and ran away myself instead. before i knew it, i was walking towards my car, unlocking it and get inside. don't let him break you... it isn't worth it.  i remind myself and lean my head back on the leather seat, i inhale deep and exhale. what am going to do? i'm mad at the world and at myself for being this dumb when i shouldn't, i just want the ground to swallow me up, make me disappear and not be seen by anyone. i have never experienced this sort of feeling before, confusion, hatred and sadness all at once. i open my car door and run inside the house again, i walked up the stairs only to Christian still on my bed. his arms are stretched behind his head with his eyes closed.

i walk closer to him and take a breath. 

"get up! now!" i yell. his eyes open almost instantly, his features are angry and his face is red. my hand contacts his cheek with every bit of strength i could, hitting hard on his cheek. his face turns to the side by the force of my smack, his cheek is red. i turn back around ready to run back to my car before a large hand grip my arm and turns me around to face Christian again. before i could see straight and understand what's happening, Christian fist hits my face and i fall to the grown. i yelp in pain, putting my hand on the sore area and uncontrollable tears run down my cheeks. i wasn't crying but tears still burn in my eyes. i lie on the on my side, afraid to move. the only motion i could do was to move my hand away from my face and look at it. it's covered in blood, my blood...

i watch as Christian's legs past me and becomes muted after a door slams shut behind me. he left the room... after hitting me.. he hit me... what did i do to deserve this?


i've been laying on the floor for what looks like forever,  i heard through the window that Christian left the house, got into a car and drove away. i prayed to God that it wasn't my car. i finally get the strenth to get up and exit the house towards my car, i silently thank God that my car is parked where i left it. the shock from the events that occurredin my room moments ago still hasn't dissipated.

i drive.. i don't know and i don't care where, i just drive.. as fast as i can to where the wind will lead me. the bruise still stings in my face and my blood drapes down my jeans and car seat, i wipe it with my hands and continue my drive. i bring the car into a sudden halt and jump at the harsh action. stepping inside the large building, i hear gasps and people trying to ask me what happen to my face but i just keep walking and ignoring them. my heart pounds louder and faster, confusion and despair takes over again. my voice is lost in me, my throat is dry along with my mouth. i have no idea where i am, i step inside an elevator and press a button i remembered from somewhere... 

the elevator opens and i step out of it, i make my way over to one of the doors and knock on it. soon as it opens, i see him... the person who told me to stay away, the one who told me to stay safe and keep myself, the one who cared about me no matter what i would do. with his torso bare and trousers hang loosely around his lower body, water drapes down his face from his dark ringlets. means he just showered.

"Katy?" his husky voice says with shock.

"i should've listened to you..." i whisper. no emotion is in my voice, my eyes locked on his. his expression is worry and his eyes go sad.

he doesn't say a thing, i look at the ground when two warm arms wrap around my body,bringing me closer to his wet and exposed torso.

"it's OK... everything is OK.." Harry hums into my hair and tightens his grip around my petite body. i feel him lifting me up and carry me inside his apartment. he puts me down on a soft land and lays his long body next to mine. he stretches his hand to cup my chin and turn it so he could examine the bruise. he gasps and i whimper as his hand touches the sore area.

Harry's face becoming red and angry for a brief second, then back to sad and worry. his arms wrapped around me and pull me in a warm cuddle.

"you'r safe now.. nobody's going to hurt you..." he whispers and kisses the top of my head, safety washes through me for the first time in years and i nuzzle my face deeper into his body.

"i'm sorry..." i mumble.. and i feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier till i finally drift off.

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