part 33

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I finished my shower and got dressed, i'm not sure how i feel about what Harry blurted out in my room, but i love Christian. does he love you? my mind makes me wonder, i ignore him yet again and walk out of the room. i finished my make up and head downstairs, when i get there Harry is sitting in a chair near the dining table and Ron sits on the floor across from Harry with his back leaning on the wall and legs bent up to his chest.

"you ready?" Ron looks at me.

i nod and he gets up from the floor and open the front door.

"you look nice." Harry smiles at me while we enter the car.

"thank you." i smile back.

the car ride was full with Ron's bragging about his new job and complains about the weather, i find myself  rolling my eyes every time he finished a sentence even though he couldn't see me. Harry pulled into a parking lot near the pizza place and i climb out of the car, i try to ease the concern i still hold in me about Christian, he still hasn't called and i'm a horrible person for going out when he is still no where to be found. but i guess what Harry said about him being a grown man has an impact on me since i did eventually went out. on the bright side i get to show Christian that i'm not going to be sitting in my room waiting for him to return like the pathetic girl that i am, even though i'm still terrified about how he is doing.

"Ron!" i hear Zayn calls out when he spots us in the crowded pizza house. since when it is so loud in a dining place?

Ron waves at them and lead us to their table, and when we arrive i get a better view on the people attending this evening. Niall, Zayn, Louis, Eleanor some girl i never met before and of course, Nikol.

i look over at Harry and he hold a disgust look when he spots Nikol sitting between Louis and Zayn.

"are you sure you feel OK being around.. .her?" Harry whispers.

"yeah it's fine, i guess we started on the left foot." i try to smile even though there is no truth behind my voice.

he nods and we take a sit across from them.

"hey, Katy you look so pretty!" Eleanor beams.

"Aw, thank you, you look pretty too." i smile at her.

she thank me and smiles her beautiful smile. Louis looks at her and then whisperers something in her ear and she giggles, he laughs and turn to me with a smile. 

"nice to see you again." he smiles.

i return the gesture and Niall greets me as well, Harry says his hello's and Ron does the same ,when our pizza has arrived and Harry thanks the waiter.

"so where's Christian?" Niall asks.

-Harry's pov-

Why did he asked that? she will be completely embarrassed if she will tell the truth cause i know she hates lying, Nikol and her stupid smug smile burn into Katy i can feel her cheeks in heating as seconds go by. Ron looks at her, waiting for her answer, he knows?

"he's... well, he's sick." she lies.

Nikol stays silent and Ron looks surprised but keeps his mouth shut, he doesn't want to call Katy out on her lie and i mentally thank him.

"too bad, we wanted to meet him." Niall frowns.

"yeah." Katy agrees.

for the rest of the night Katy was muted, i hate seeing her like that and Nikol sure looked pleased about Katy's lack of communication, God do i hate her. we finished our meal and talked a little when i catch Katy yawns.

"are you tired?" i ask her.

"stop acting like my dad." she scowled but there's a hint of humor in her voice. 

"can you take me home?" she asks two seconds later and i can't help but laugh at her and she does the same.

"already?" i hear Nikol's obnoxious voice.

what does she wants from her? she just met her.

"yeah i'm pretty tired." she says and gets up from her seat, i do the same and she brings out her wallet to pay her cut in the meal.

"where are you going?" Zayn asks.

"home, thank you for inviting me, i had a great time." she says and says her goodbyes.

i really feel like she's depending on me, and i love the idea. i like driving her around the small talks that we have makes me feel closer to her, in some way.

"Harry?" i hear Katy's quiet and delicate voice.

i look over at her signaling her to talk.

"can you.. tell me what happened between you and Nikol?" she asks.

i have no problem talking to her about Nikol, i'm even glad she's talking to me about these things because no one else would, not anyone i know at least.

"you don't have to tell me if you..."

"it's fine." i smile at her.

she gives me a small smile and sits on the side walk, i sit next to her and her smile grows.

"Nikol was my girlfriend for a couple of months a long time ago, i never actually liked her but she was positive that i am, she would show me off all the time, took me to many public places and just went all over me and i wasn't fond of that." 

"like a... whore?" she hesitate.

"yeah, pretty much." i joke. she chuckles and i keep going.

"anyway, one day... she told me she wants to break up with me and i didn't really care that much, i know it's sound cruel but i'm just being honest." i shrug and she nods. "then, she spread the rumor that i cheated on her, which i didn't, and since then, everyone looked at me with disgust and i couldn't take it anymore so i... i moved here." 

Katy's face holds a confused expression at my confession.

"what do you mean.. moved?" she asks.

"i used to live in Holmes chapel in Cheshire."i explain.

"and you moved to London because of her?" her voice shocked and her eyes holds a sympathetic look.

i nod and look away.

"but.. she's..."

"here." i complete her sentence. she closes her mouth and looks in my eyes, signaling for me to explain.

"turns out her dad lives here and when she heard that i moved, two weeks later, she moved into her father's house."

"that little..." she says aloud but i stop her with my hand before she could finish.

"be quiet." i chuckle and she laughs against my palm.

"i can't believe she made you move, you've got to be kidding me with that story." she says when i withdrew. "and then move after you just to be a bitch." she says and coveres her mouth after saying 'bitch' like a 5 year old.

"it's OK, i call her that all the time..." i assure her and she smiles.

"so.. in some way you just wanted a new start?" she looks down. i'm so happy that she gets me, everyone else i know would judge me and ask me stupid questions about me really cheating on Nikol. Katy obviously believes me, trust my every word so easily that it worms my heart that she understands me so well.

"i guess i did." i smile.

"but yet she is here, to continue her obnoxious ways..." Katy states.

"that's where the difference is shown, i'm not letting her." 

she looks up at me and a smile takes over her beautiful lips.

"that's good." she nods. "well we better get going." she chuckles, i laugh and help her up. we entered my car and took off.

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