part 13

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in the middle of the car ride, i looked at my phone and i have 3 texts.

one from my dad one from my friend sally, and from a number i've never seen before..

i start reading my dad's text.


i think my dad is a little too protective,i just landed and he is already plan on visiting me. gees. give a little space.

i text him back saying i'm looking forward for his arrival and went on to the next massage from sally.

*hey doll! i miss you,you barely talked to me since you left... :( call me*

i text her back saying i was busy with everything.. i know i lied but i just don't want to deal with this, with her, it makes me sad... i hate goodbyes and i hate leaving but i need to move on with my life i can't stay in one place forever.

i still can't believe that i'm not going to see any of my friends anymore..

i prefer not hold onto them so i won't feel bad about leaving them. and i'm thinking about it. great.

the last text was from the number i didn't know.

*hey katy it's you'r grandmother, i got a new phone so we can talk more:)*

the thought about my grandma sending a smiley face is highly amusing,she doesn't do this type of things.

"katy?" niall snaps me out of my thoughts.


"we're here" he laughs and points at my grandmother's house. i didn't notice i was in a car•~•

"ohh sorry,thank you for entertaining me today" i joke and they chuckle.

"any time" harry smiles at me and i return the gesture as i step out of the car. if you think about it harry is really nice. very nice. he's smile alone makes my cheeks burn... what's happening to me i mean i know i have a boyfriend but i'm still thinking about him. i need to STOP now.

i wave at them, and they pull out of the drive way.

ohh no!! i forgot my wallet!, i hope i didn't forget it in the restaurant. if i did i'm dead, i have over 200 dollars in there!

i don't know why i'm keeping that amount of money on me, but who knows when i will need them. i call Ron so he can give me one of they'r numbers, i need to call them to see if my wallet is in Zayn's car. just as i'm about to call him, i get another text message from a number i never seen, this one is not grandma, i added her number already. i open the text.

*hi katy it's me harry.. i just wanted to let you know that you forgot you'r wallet at Zayn's car... so i can come by and give it to you..*

thank god!! i thought i lost it already. i need to tell him i can meet him in the park so he wont go through a lot of trouble just to give me back my wallet...

i text him saying that i will be in the park and he can come there. i start walking in the cold again... 

-Harry's pov-

she said she wants to meet me? i can just come by ron's house. but i'm not complaining, i get to be alone with her, finally. just met her, just met her, just met her. i remind myself yet again. i just can't get her out of my head, i never seen anyone so ..breath taking.

i know she has a boyfriend and that thought is making me insane! what guy let's this.. this.. angel move away from him! i would never do that, and i know for sure she is aware of it.

i look around to see if i can find her, suddenly i feel a slight pinch in both sides of my waist.

"boo!!" she laughs as i jump from her surprising action,i love her laugh.

"what are you laughing about i almost had a heart attack!" i teas her and she laughs harder

"that is the main idea of the 'boo'ing thing"she giggles and i roll my eyes playfully.

"don't ever do that again! feel my heart beat, it's faster than ever." i say and take her hand and place it on my chest.

the moment her hand made contact with my chest i get goose bumps and she looked surprise by my sudden move , she looked up at me and our eyes meet. i can't move my hand from her's. i'm mesmerized by her gaze and i'd like to think she is the same...

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