Chapter 1: The Wish

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And so it starts all over again.

I watched as I heard the multiple similar deep British voices, urging me to let them all in before the locked door broke and splintered, large hands with the same crucifex tattoo on the skins of each one punching holes into the wood of the shut entrance, like some kind of horrific zombie movie as they tried to claw and grope for my body.

"I've got a knife! I'll uh, I'll slice all your long ass fingers off and shove them up your assholes! Don't think I won't!" I threatened, panting like a mad woman before the hands froze for a moment until they quickly retracted back into the holes making me let out a slow sigh of relief.

"No that's gay!" I heard one of them say and knew it was from Frat Harry.

"Don't knock it till you fucking try it you homophobe!" Another voice similar to his snapped at him and I knew it was Gay Harry from that one Larry fanfic I read.

It was only when I saw all the green pairs of eyes peeking through the large craters in the door from the other side looking to check if I had a weapon on me -which I of course didn't- before they went back to sticking their hands through the holes trying to reach for me once again as I backed away mumbling an "oh shit" under my breath.

I reached out behind me to grab the lava lamp on my nightstand, ready to go all hardcore whack-a-mole on their fingers before my wrist was captured in a chillingly cold and strong hand, my back hitting a broad chest from behind as the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end at his presence.

"Didn't I tell before, you're trapped here, tell me why you insist on running when you know and I know that the odds will never be in your favor." He drawled in my ear, his voice low and gravelly as I shoved him away, whipping around to meet the pitch black of his gaze, his dark pupils different from the rest of the others' green eyes.

"Fuck off and come back to me when you don't get your quotes from that Hunger Games movie." I sneered at him, only making him let out an arrogant scoff as I watched the patience on his face wear thin at my words.

Before I could yell and attack him the door behind me crashed to the floor, the hinges giving way as they all flooded into the room, my arms immediatly restrained by Psycho Harry and Fratboy Harry as they grabbed me on each side, forcing me down onto my knees in front of their leader as I struggled while the rest of the Harry's watched me.

"You wanted so badly to be the helpless main character of your own story..." Demon Harry chuckled, pacing in front of me as he let out a husky cynical laugh that made my skin crawl as I glared up at him with gritted teeth before he bent his face down to mine, a dimpled smirk on his face as he traced my jawline with cold pale fingertips.

"Looks like you got just what you wanted... princess." He grinned before straightening his posture, snapping his fingers as Bad Boy Harry pushed through the crowd towards me, cracking his tattooed neck from side to side as he peered down at me with darkened emerald eyes and a smirk on his pierced lip.

"Sorry about this kitten." He said, slowly cracking his knuckles as I narrowed my eyes up at him.

"Oh my god it's Liza. Ly-zah! Not kitten, not dollface, not princess, not cupcake seriously what is wrong with you fanfiction bitches! No one actually calls people that shit in real life! Why can't you guys just say the fucking name? I have one for a reason you know! Seriously fuck all of you long haired greasy ass motherfu-"

My rambling outburst was cut off short when my head snapped to the side at the sharp impact of Harry's fist colliding with my face and by the time my body hit the floor I was already unconscious.

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