Chapter 20: We Can't Stop

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AN: This chapter is super important.
If you're disappointed with her choice I made sure not to disappoint at the end. There will be smut but if you don't like it just skim it and go to the end because the end of this chapter is very important.

He slammed the door in my face, screaming "No!" as the rusted gold number on the motel door swung and fell to the floor as I laughed.

"Come on Princess, let me in." I beckoned with a smirk, knocking again as I heard him breathing heavily from the other side.

"N-no my Lady. I am holding my ground this time and I refuse to be tricked with your witty remarks of sarcasm. I already told you, I could hurt you. You need to stay far away from me- just until I slay the demon." He replied back in a worried tone as I placed my hands on my hips and sighed.

"You're a dork. I'm fine and I'm here, plus you do know that just because the inn here says Royal Motel, it doesn't actually mean it's for people of Royal blood." I bit my lip to keep from laughing at him, blinking at the door with pursed lips before it opened just a crack, only to reveal a bit of his embarrassed flushed face as he looked down at his feet.

"Yes... the realization did dawn upon me when I spotted the dead rodent in the bathroom... but the gentleman at the front desk already took one of my gold rings for access to one of his rooms so it was too late to go back." Prince Harry explained with a small pout, making me tilt my head to the side to get a better view of his beautiful face before his green eyes met mine.

"That greasy man in the front is anything but a gentleman. Now you gonna let me in?" I told him, still giving him a friendly smile as he looked at me in thought before he quickly shook his head and closed the door.

"No. You have to be safe." I heard his muffled voice say.

I waited for a few more moments, patiently tapping my foot against the stained carpeted floor with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Well alrighty then," I sighed, clasping my hands together before rubbing my palms as I took slow strides in front of his room in the hallway.

"Here Demon, Demon! Come and get me! I'm here all by myself ready for the takin-" I began, announcing my whereabouts at the top of my lungs before I heard the door open behind me, a large warm hand grabbing my wrist and quickly pulling me inside before the Prince closed the door with a bewildered expression.

"Are you mad woman? You're going to get yourself killed." He told me, gripping onto my shoulders as he peered down at me while I looked around the worn out dusty room, to the broken air conditioner in the back, the cheap rickety bed, and the chipped wooden table near the busted window that had-

"Gummy worms!" I exclaimed, ignoring the Prince as I shrugged off his hands and walked over to the small pack of candy on the table, my eyes widening in surprise when I spotted the small foil package near his sword.

"You have a condom?" I questioned, turning to give him an amused look as I raised the small package in my hand only to find the Prince handcuffing one of his wrists to the wooden headboard, standing awkwardly near the bed.

"Ah yes, is that what you call them? The Psycho gave me two before we left, he told me it would help, distress me. It's a terrible hat though." He frowned, not even paying attention as he jerked his hand that was cuffed to the headboard a bit to check if it was sturdy enough.

"A hat?" I repeated in confusion.

"Yes, I had two. I opened one of them because I was thoroughly distressed and I followed all of the directions. It does say place over head does it not? I should've known I was just swindled by the Lunatic. All it did was leave my hair  slimy and it was uncomfortably tight, I almost suffocated." He warned, looking at the tiny packet in my hand in horror as I tried not to choke on my spit while I laughed at him.

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