Chapter 6: Asthma Attack

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Frat boy Harry circled us, running his long fingers along his lips that always seemed to be turned up in a knowing smug smirk as he observed all the other Harrys at my side, nodding to himself and chuckling while exchanging looks with his friends in the crowd.

"Woah, check it out, this one's even got a gun, can I hold it?" He asked with a childish smile, pointing at Assassin Harry's weapon before he tried to reach out for it only for Assassin Harry to grab his wrist, spinning him around and pinning it in a painful angle behind his back before placing the gun at his head.

"I'll take that as a subtle maybe..." Frat Harry offered, wincing a bit as I placed my hand on Assassin Harry's tense shoulders, giving him a small nod to let the other Harry go which he followed with an irritated grunt, pushing Frat Harry away.

"What a grip... I like you." Frat Harry chuckled, turning his sore wrist, the toothpick still placed between the side of his lips before his amused green eyes flickered to me.

"Ugh, look at me being a terrible host." He suddenly pouted in an over exaggerated tone, placing his hands on his chest, his gaze trained on me before he turned and looked over the crowd of frat boys and sorority girls awaiting his words.

"Now is this anyway to treat our guests?" He asked the sea of people, bringing his arms up in the air at his sides as they all screamed "hell no" back at him in unison, fists raised high in the air while some college students in the back hollered with their hands cupped to the sides of their mouths.

"Especially to this sweet little thing right here, what's your name babe?" Frat Harry smirked, turning back to me with hooded eyes, ready to sling his arm around my shoulders before his wrist was caught by all three of the other Harrys behind me before he could so much as touch me while they all pointed their weapons at him.

Frat Harry's smile didn't falter as he let out a low whistle, tilting his head to the side as he raised his brows at me.

"Babe, mind telling the three musketeers back there to chill yeah?" He requested in a calm smooth voice, actually using the pointer finger of his free hand to lower one of the blades that were pointed in front of his face down with a smug dimpled grin.

"Name's Liza," I told him, studying him as I turned my head to look behind me, signalling the others to let him go and lower their weapons as they hesitantly followed.

"Linda, that's great, walk with me." Frat Harry said, rubbing his hands together before snapping his fingers, the music immediatly starting before the crowd of people went back to dancing like nothing ever happened as I watched him dip his head down to a bubbly brunette, his voice low before he nudged his head to the other Harrys behind me while she giggled and nodded obediantly.

I turned around to find a bunch of loud scandally dressed girls attacking the three Harrys behind me, squealing and giggling making Assassin Harry grit his teeth in annoyance.

Psycho Harry smirked, licking his lips and letting the girls run their hands on his broad chest and soft long hair while Prince Harry attempted to follow me, the other girls immediatly going in front of him to block his way catching him off guard.

"I'll be fine! Just don't kill anyone and don't drink anything!" I yelled at them over the music, trying to go on my tiptoes as the cluster of people between us began to grow, separating us before I felt a strong arm casually sling around my shoulder, my body pulled against Frat Harry's warm bare chest as he smirked down at me with a mischevious look in his eyes.

"I owe you babe, I really do. Not only are you wearing that cute little mini skirt where I can get a perfect view of your ass and legs, but you also brought my other clones to me, and lemme tell you, they're way cooler than the ones my other friends caught for me." He chuckled as I walked underneath his arm while he ushered me through the loud overbearing frat house, the crowd of people moving out of our way making sure not to bump into him as my eye twitched at his words.

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