Chapter 17: Gold Digger

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AN: Prince Harry at the top

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AN: Prince Harry at the top.

"And may I ask what your relations with Mr. Bennet are miss?" The nurse in pastel blue scrubs at the front desk asked with a polite smile.

"Uh... I was his granddaughter." I nodded, placing my hand on my hip as I leaned over the counter.

"He doesn't have a granddaughter." Ghost Harry informed besides me while his date Priscilla continued to stare at the white wall at the side with wide empty looking eyes next to him.

"His daughter I mean." I quickly corrected myself, making the nurse bring her eyes up from her keyboard to give me a look as Ghost Harry shook his head.

"He doesn't have a daughter either." He told me in a low whisper.

"Did I say daughter?" I laughed out, pursing my lips and throwing my hands up in exasperation as I shook my head.

"No I meant, I meant a close, close family friend..." I reiterated in a serious tone as I tried to relax, pointing my finger at her with an uneasy smile.

"Girlfriend." Harry coughed into his fist at my side making me turn to look at him in annoyance.

"What? No, the guy's like eighty I can't say that." I harshly whispered at him as the nurse looked at the probably empty space besides me.

"Yes you can, just tell her you're his gold digging wife." Harry reasoned with a dimpled smile of approval and a thumbs up.

"I told you I'm not saying that-"

"Um, what?" The nurse spoke up, looking confused and somewhat frightened as both Ghost Harry and I turned our heads to her.

"What?" Harry and I repeated in unison, making me blink as I straightened my posture, realizing she couldn't see or hear him.

"Miss, are you... feeling alright? Would you like me to get someone here to attend to you?" She asked in concern, tilting her head to the side as I quickly shook my head.

I then looked over at Ghost Harry who mouthed "gold digger" before he threw his head back dramatically, pretending to silently cry as he placed the back of his hand over his forehead.

"Uh....." I trailed off, looking between him and the nurse who was slowly reaching for the phone on her desk, contemplating before I let out a sigh of defeat.

"Yes, I do need help. Oh I really do." I burst into soft sobs, whimpering as I rubbed at my eyes making her hand stop, hovering just above the phone as she sent me a sympathetic frown.

"You don't understand. Do you know how much I'm shamed just because I prefer old dusty dicks and shrivelled ballsacks rather than new ones? By my friends, my family. It's not about the money, it's about the love and oh gosh- I was hoping I could just pass off as his daughter since that's what so many people already assume but no. I am Mr. Bennet's loving wife, there, I said it." I cried out, slamming my palm loudly on the desk making the nurse and a few of her co-workers in the back stop whatever they were doing to gawk at me while Ghost Harry clapped his hands together and applauded me.

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