Chapter 8: Therapy

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I heard three hushed voices in my room, talking amongst one another as I kept my eyes shut, burying my face into my pillow wanting to sleep more.

"So... you two both got an eye for my pumpkin huh, well that's not awkward at all."

"Stop calling her that, what is she, food? Idiota."

"Well I'd sure to like to eat her up so yeah, pretty much."

"Please refrain from addressing Lady Liza in that manner."

"Shut up Disney Princess you know you want to fuck her just as much as Spy Kids bitch and I do. You can quit it with your chivalry."

I heard a sword being unsheathed before opening one of my eyes, keeping still on my bed as I spotted Prince Harry, Assassin Harry, and Psycho Harry all huddled together in the front of my room.

"I do not just want to share a bed with Liza, she is not some mere harlot and if you are just using her for such cheap pleasures than I suggest you leave." Prince Harry grit out, looking thoroughly pissed as he glared at Psycho Harry.

"Are you kidding me, of course I don't want just sex from her. She's absolutely insane and I'm crazy for her- pun intended. I'm going to wife her and you can gallop into the sunset or Disneyland where you belong." Psycho Harry countered in a determined tone, all of them keeping their voices low but their stances stern as they glared at one another.

"I think, we can all agree that we have... developed some attachment to Liza." Assassin Harry sighed, running a hand through his brown hair as he played with his lip ring.

"So... who does she end up with?" Psycho Harry asked impatiently, crossing his arms over his chest as they all looked at one another.

"Me." They all said in unison, causing all their bodies to tense up.

"I say we let her choose, she's not just some prize to be won. It is her choice who she wants to be with. We compete for the heart of the fair maiden." Prince Harry nodded in a stern voice.

"Aye, guess I could put my seducing tricks to work." Psycho Harry chuckled making both the Prince and Assassin turn to glare at him.

"You don't seduce, you charm and wait on her."

"I'm getting real sick of your bullshit Prince 'I can't get anywhere near pussy because I'm too much of a little bitch to handle it.'" Psycho Harry snapped back.

"It's actually Prince Harold the fourth..."

"You think you're so fucking high and mighty with your gentleman crap when really you're no different than us so you can drop the act. I bet you've had your own personal fantasies about Liza just like us." Psycho Harry continued as Assassin Harry closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head in frustration as Prince Harry's jaw clenched in agitation.

It was silent for a moment, no one saying anything before a deep cynical chuckle was heard.

"Knew it, looks like Prince charming isn't as innocent as we thought huh," Psycho Harry taunted in a deep venemous voice, nearing the Prince who had a stiff posture, his broad shoulders tense as he blinked at the floor, his lips pressed in a firm tight line.

"Bet you've had the dirtiest thoughts about her haven't you? Always maintaining your corteous attitude around her when really all you want is to touch her don't you? To feel her beneath you, squeezing that soft skin of her thighs, kissing her everywhere and anywhere as she moans huh? We all think about it, just admit it." Psycho Harry taunted as Prince Harry's breathing hitched, his large hands balling into tight fists at his sides as his face flushed before he turned and grabbed the collar of Pscyho Harry's shirt.

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