Chapter 13: Keep Me Sane

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AN: Psycho Harry at the top

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AN: Psycho Harry at the top.

I screamed as Psycho Harry held me by arms while I thrashed around frantically, my kicks doing me no good since Assassin Harry was holding me by my ankles as they lifted and carried me back inside the house where Prince Harry was unpacking the suit case I had packed inside.

"Liza you're being unreasonable here." The Assassin grit out, struggling as I ignored him and continued to flail around under their grasps.

"Fuck she's like a slippery fish, come on pumpkin don't be like this, let's just take a breather here."Psycho Harry breathed out as they brought me over on to the couch, my wrists being pinned above me by the Psycho while the Assassin held my ankles down.

"No! Fuck all of you let me leave! I'm not about that possessed demon life- I've watched the movies, I've read the stories, I am not one of those fearless 'yes let's fight the bad guy and die' character because fuck that shit! I choose life!" I screamed out, panting aggressively as the two Harrys who were holding me down exchanged looks.

The Vampire entered the living room, pausing at the entrance with a can of beer in his hand as he took in the scene with a raise of his brow.

"Is this porn...?" He trailed out in confusion, gesturing to how I was secured by the other Harrys on the sofa.

"Help me please! You're my new favorite if you help me!" I called out to him as all of the Harrys froze and looked at me.

"Then who was your original favorite..." The Assassin asked, tilting his head to the side as he gave me a curious look making me gulp while my eyes shifted around the room.

"Pfft, what? Who said- who said I had favorites..." I laughed out nervously before Psycho Harry's grip on my wrists loosened a bit.

"What makes you think a hot lunatic, a spy kids hoe, hippie Sonic the hedgehog, and a disney princess can't protect you." Psycho said with determination in his voice, looking down at me from above as I stared up at him.

"I'm guessing I'm Sonic the hedgehog..." Vampire Harry said, slowly raising his hand up.

"Butt out Sonic." Psycho snapped at him.

"I don't want you guys to protect me. I want you guys to run away with me! Did you not hear that Demon Harry can pull some fucking mind control over you guys!" I continued to panic, screaming like a mad woman as Psycho looked up and sent the Assassin a small nod.

"Seeing her all angry like this is kind of hot though." Psycho Harry grinned, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek.

"Should we let her go?" The Assassin asked, ignoring his statement.

"Yes, yes let me go." I whispered under my breath with wide eyes as I stilled my movements.

"She's just gonna run though."

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