Chapter 25: The End

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I continued to gape down at Vampire Harry's dead body at my feet, my whole body shaking before I let out a cry of frustration.

"This is all your fault! He didn't have to die!" I screamed, turning to throw the bloodied stake at Marcel only for my arms to lock in place before I could even aim it at him as he raised his brow, a challenging smirk on his face as he pushed his large glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"No no no my little doll." He mocked, wagging his finger at me as my shoulders tensed and I turned around away from him, my gaze focusing on the Psycho and Assassin's stiff bodies before they exchanged grim looks while Demon Harry pressed his face against the floor, grimacing as he fisted the carpet in pain.

I could hear it.

I could hear and feel his sporadic heart beats as if they were my own, the mark he had left at the side of my neck slightly tingling on my skin.

Before I could even take a moment to think about it my legs pushed me forward as I charged at the other two, my arm swiping forward with the knife in my hand, the metal letting out a sharp hiss in the air as they dodged my hits.

They weren't even trying to hit me back, they were just blocking my strikes as I cringed when the blace got too close to their skins.

"Just run! Get away for god's sake -I told you guys already don't be those stupid heros!" I scolded them, continuing to fight the both of them with quick movements.

"Don't think you're gonna get rid of us that easily pumpkin." Psycho grinned, letting out a breathless laugh as he ducked while him and the Assassin grabbed me on both sides only for me to flip back and out of their grasp.

Holy shit I didn't even know I could do a backflip.

I then nailed the Psycho in the balls, causing him to murmur "cheap shot babe," as he fell to the floor, his face red as he cradled his balls.

"We're not leaving you." Assassin Harry seethed before he managed to grab the knife out of my hand, taking ahold of my wrist and spinning me around so my back was pressed flush against his broad chest as he brought the blade at my throat.

"Give me the bambola, the doll, give it and let her go." He commanded Marcel who was still holding the voodoo doll in his hand as my limbs struggled to free itself from the Assassin's grasp while the Psycho watched in fear from the ground, looking at the knife at my throat.

"Go ahead, out of all people you should already know what to do." Marcel tested with a sick grin.

"Do it, listen to Shiah Labeouf and kill me. Kill me so I won't hurt anymore of you guys." I begged, crying all over again when I caught a glance of Vampire's dead body on the ground as the blade at my throat shook slightly.

"You heard the lady, are you an assassin or aren't you?" Marcel irked him on and I could feel the Assassin's muscles tense in frustration behind me before he slowly lowered the knife at my throat.

"No he's an assassin! He's an assassin, say you're a motherfucking assassin and kill me!" I yelled at him in anger as he shook his head.

"Amore I can't -I can't kill you." He swallowed in a shakey voice as Marcel scoffed and before I could even blink I whipped around, grabbing the knife out of his hand before taking a fistfull of the Assassin's hair and yanking him down to his knees in surprise as I brought the sharp blade of the weapon across his neck, slitting his throat.

"No!" Someone cried out, but this time it was from the Psycho behind me as I made eye contact with the Assassin, his green eyes wide with shock and blood dripping from his open mouth before he fell to the ground lifeless in a pool of his own crimson red liquid.

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