Chapter 22: Devil Woman

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I walked into the crowded bar, the smell of smoke and sweat filling my senses as I made a face.

Ugh, humans.

As a side note, I'm totally ignoring the fact that I was one before because now I'm a Demon Daddy.

I froze in place, admist all the large bulky men and busty looking women when I spotted the Psycho who was furiously making out with some other girl against the wall.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Ew it's so awkward watching them practically grind on one another against that wall.

That poor, poor innocent wall.

She giggled as he sucked on her neck, inclining her finger gesturing him to lower his head before she grazed her full lips against his ear, whispering something as he smirked before nodding his head towards the exit and grabbing her hand in his.

"These hoes just ain't loyal." I shook my head in disbelief, blowing out a breath of irritation before I followed the two back outside as they called a cab, leaning onto one another for support as they let out slurred giggles and hiccups.

I am, disgusted.

"Halt Psycho." I called to him when a cab finally rolled in front of them, the hyper blonde immediatly going inside as I resumed my act.

"Oh would yah look at that, how'd you find me Snow White?" The Psycho turned with a drunken lazy grin, leaning his elbow against the roof of the car as I approached him, my eyes narrowing at the sight of the lipstick stains on his neck.

And this was the one Liza chose.

I winced, feeling that small pang in my slightly beating heart again as I took in a shakey breath.

Stupid fucking chest pains.

"It does not concern you. What are you doing, we are supposed to be protecting Liza from the demon and waiting on her." I protested, actually thoroughly pissed at him as he let out a snort.

"A man can only wait for so long. You don't think I'm just as frustrated here? I think I fucking deserve a little break." He snapped at me, my hands balling into tight fists at his words as I continuously shook my head, not comprehending the absolute stupidity that was coming out of his mouth.

I grabbed the front of his shirt, violently slamming his body against the car causing both the cab driver and the girl inside to gasp in shock while the Psycho blinked at me in disbelief.

"How dare you do this to her. Out of all of us she chose you- she chose you and look what you're doing! You don't deserve her! You don't fucking deserve her!" I yelled in his face, my hands shaking as I fought the urge to tear the bastard limb from limb on the spot.

"And you do?" He countered, meeting my glare as I pressed my lips into a firm line, his words catching me off guard before he grabbed my wrists and shoved me away, getting into the car and joining the girl as he closed the door.

"Welcome to the real world princess, where life isn't a fairy tale and prince charmings like you don't even exist." He scoffed when he rolled down the window, the blonde sitting on his lap before he kissed her again as she giggled and the car drove off, leaving me in a cloud of smoke as my chest heaved up and down in anger.

"You're telling me." I said in a bitter tone, shaking my head before I looked back at the building of the crowded bar behind me.

"So what if she comes and he's not here. She wanted the Psycho. Who cares if her heart gets broken- I sure don't." I mumbled under my breath, stuffing my hands into my pockets as I kicked a rock near my foot.

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