Chapter 19: Choose One

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"I heard grunting and furniture breaking! Don't start without me!" Gay Harry barged into the room from the kitchen, trying to take his shirt off as Vampire Harry continued to cry out in pain in the hallway, leaning against the wall and breathing harshly while the other three proceeded to fight eachother almost to the death while the looming shadow in the back watched among the chaos.

"Harry... is that..." I began with wide eyes, focusing on the familar looking iphone that I've been looking for all this time in Gay Harry's hand as he fumbled with the buttons of his top before his eyes widened in realization when he looked at the commotion in the living room.

"This isn't the gang bang I was hoping for...." He trailed off with a small pout, not even noticing the dark evil shadow in the back as my body tensed.

"Harry, my phone, where'd you find it." I whispered at him, trying to near him with small movements as I kept my eyes trained on the shadow across the room hoping not to attract attention to myself.

"Oh yeah, I found your phone! It was in one of your mom's shoe boxes in the closet." He announced, my eyes widening in fear at how loud his voice was before I saw the shadow of the man's head from the back turn to face us, my whole body running cold as the shadow raised its hand, causing Harry to be slammed back into the wall with a loud crash, my iphone flying out of his hand as I watched the hand's shadow stretch and travel across the floor for it.

"No!" I screamed out, feeling as if time itself was slowing as I darted towards it, reaching out and throwing my body to the floor to grab the phone before it could be devoured by the darkness underneath.

I caught it in my hand, hitting the ground only for my ankle to be immediatly grabbed by the shadow's hand on the floor, the
black eery silhouette becoming three dimensional as it yanked my flailing body across the room towards the dark outline of the man in the back.

The Assassin, Psycho, and Prince were so transfixed on one another, punching and fighting with clouded hypnotized gray eyes that they couldn't even see me as I was dragged through their fight, avoiding the bullets that were whizzing through the air and the multiple knives being thrown, the shadowed hand still holding my ankle captive before I grabbed the sword that was hanging on the Prince's waist when I passed him, bringing the blade down on the shadow as it dispersed and let me go with a hiss.

I ducked when Assassin Harry was thrown over me by the Psycho, keeping my eyes trained on the silhouette of the man across from me, sweat running down the side of my forehead as the Assassin got up, raising his gun only for me to disarm him and yank the weapon out of his hand while retrieving the sword from the ground, still holding my phone between my fingers as I raised the gun and shot at the shadow.

I heard a deep chuckle right at my ear even though the dark spirit was a few feet away from me, the demon fading away the closer I got to it as I took quick strides towards it, shooting in frustration before I let out a "Fight me Demon bitch" and threw the sword towards it, hurtling the sharp weapon through the air as it impaled the wall right where the shadow's head would have been before it dispersed with one last taunting husky chuckle.

"Careful who you trust..." A deep sinister voice rumbled out into the air, making me turn around rapidly for the source of the sound although it seemed to resonate from everywhere around me.

"You're not Morgan Freeman hoe, stop narrating every single thing and fight me!" I snapped at the disembodied voice, about to yank the sword out of the wall only for a pocket knife to zip a few inches right passed my face until it caught the sleeve of my shirt, pinning me to the wall and trapping me there.

I whipped my head around in surprise, my brows creased in confusion as I tugged at my sleeve, only to find that all three Harrys in the living room, the Psycho, the Assassin, and the Prince had froze in their places, bodies rigid and heads hung low so I couldn't see their faces.

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