Chapter 12: Okay

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The new goal was to just go back home where the rest of the Harrys were and find my cell phone, but the more I spent time with the Prince, the Psycho, the Assassin, and the Vampire, I realized that I didn't want them to leave.

And no, it wasn't because all of them wanted to get in my pants because it's me we're talkin' bout here, I'll probably fuck up my chances with all of them in some way or another or they'll just end up losing interest in me over time.

But they were just so fun to be around and they were pretty good guys.

"Peasant, I request to be fed this instant!" Prince Harry snapped his fingers at one of the candy store workers before he pointed at the plastic case of colorful candy, making me smile as I watched him, his tone wasn't rude at all, he actually sounded genuinely confused why no one was waiting on him.

"I hate my job." The sweaty employee muttered under his breath, sending the Prince a blank expression as he organized a lolipop from across the room.

"Try the gummy worms." I advised, coming from behind Prince Harry as he turned to me with a curious look, watching while I opened the lid of the container and grabbed a single gummy worm from the bin with the mini red tongs they had at the side before placing it in my hand.

"Worms? That's a bit peculiar if I do say so myself..." He said in concern, actually poking the candy in my hand lightly as if he expected it to move and twitch to life in my palm making me laugh.

"Don't sweat it. It's just the shape of it, it's not really a worm." I told him before I started to shake my hand so the candy worm would move along as my eyes widened in fake fear.

"Or is it...." I joked in a deep voice, bringing it up and wiggling it in the Prince's face making him laugh, the dimples on his cheeks prominent as he watched me take a bit of the head.

I held out the other end for him as he hesitantly leaned down and bit the worm's ass.

"You're eating the worm's butt." I  teased, covering my mouth to keep from cackling as he chewed the candy in thought before his whole face lit up.

"The worm's rear end tastes marvelous! First the nuggets of chicken and now this." He practically announced to the whole store in joy, causing all the customers inside to turn their heads and give him a look before he placed his hands over my waist, surprising me as he lifted me off the ground and spun me around like a princess before putting me back down on my feet.

"It's astounding. I request more please." He told me as I gave him the rest of the candy before he pressed his face against the container of gummy worms in excitement.

We ended up leaving the store with Prince Harry licking on an oversized rainbow lolipop as he nibbled on the candy necklace around his neck, a large bag of gummy worms in his other free hand as we made our way over to the large fountain in the center of the mall where Psycho Harry was laying at the outer edge with the shopping bags while Vampire Harry was flirting with a girl in a sundress at the side.

"You're really cute." The red head blushed, playing with the hem of her dress as Vampire Harry smirked down at her.

"Thanks, so are you." He told her, nudging her shoulder playfully making her giggle.

"Okay." She grinned, biting her lip.

"Okay." Harry then said, running his tongue along the side of his fang looking like he didn't really have anything else to say while he readjusted his bandana.

Her head snapped up at his word before she stared at him with wide excited eyes.

"Okay." She repeated under her breath, a creepy smile forming over her face making Vampire Harry furrow his brows in confusion as he slowly leaned away from her.

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