Chapter 11: Pain Is Good

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As soon as Assassin Harry's lips were on mine they were gone in less than a second, leaving me standing there in shock with wide eyes as he was pulled away from my body and tackled to the ground by the Psycho and the Vampire.

"Oh shit! Don't kill him the boy's got some soft lips!" I tried to joke, actually panicking as I grabbed the back of both of the Harry's shirts, wrenching them off the Assassin who was just smirking on the floor, propping himself up with his elbows, his eyes never leaving my face as I held the two back by their clothes.

"Fuck you! You said I would be the one to kiss her when we got to her bitch!" Psycho Harry cursed out in anger, vigorously pointing at the smug Assassin on the floor as the Vampire looked between the two, looking just as furious.

"Ah yes," Assassin Harry acknowledged with an innocent nod, running his fingers along his lower lip as an arrogant smirk spread across his attractive face.

"I lied." He then shrugged with no sign of regret as Psycho Harry erupted in a load rage of curses while both him and Vampire Harry tried to advance forward, causing everyone to turn to the Vampire.

"Who the fuck you be?" Psycho Harry asked in confusion, still angry as he pointed at Vampire Harry with furrowed brows.

"Apparently, just a side hoe." Vampire Harry said, directing his sentence to me as he raised his brow in a teasing manner when he sent me a look, a careless dimpled grin on his face before I was tugged away from him by the Psycho.

"Oh good, you know your place then so if you'll excuse me." The Psycho jeered with an irritated expression, holding me close to him making Vampire Harry's body tense in aggravation.

"You don't just man handle her like that." The Vampire grit out, contradicting his own words as he grabbed ahold of my arm, yanking me behind him so he could stand between us as I stumbled back, feeling dizzy from being tossed around as I brought my arms out, trying to balance myself before my back collided with a warm broad chest.

"Lady Liza, are you alright?" Prince Harry asked, placing his large hands over my arms to stable me, his grip firm yet gentle before he tucked a stray strand of my curly hair behind my ear as he peered down at me with a look of relief in his soft green eyes while the other Harrys continued to argue.

"Yeah just, just dizzy, uh please don't push me away." I laughed out nervously, trying to catch my breath as Prince Harry secured me from behind with a small dimpled smile before he leaned forward, his warm lips grazing my ear.

"Never." He told me under his breath, the sincerity in his voice catching me off guard as I turned my head to look at him with wide eyes.

I love dying.

"A kiss would be greatly appreciated, but not required for me my lady. I'm just glad that you're unharmed." He attempted to joke, lighting the mood as I turned and looked up at him with a smile before enveloping his tall built frame in a tight hug.

"So cute and fluffy." I teased him, tilting my body side to side with him still in my arms as he chuckled and returned my hug back, feeling him rest the side of his face against the top of my head.

I immediatly broke away when I heard the distinct sound of a bullet being shot through the air, my heart dropping to my stomach as I whipped my head towards the direction of the sound to find Assassin Harry pointing a smoking gun at Vampire Harry, a bullet wound prominent through his stomach, his blood seeping through his Rolling Stones shirt as he eyed the Assassin.

"I said no killing! I said no killing!" I sputtered out in disbelief and fear at the Assassin who still had his weapon pointed at the injured Vampire, not taking his eyes off him.

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