Chapter 15: Demon Sex

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AN: Vampire Harry at the top

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AN: Vampire Harry at the top.

"Alright Nom Noms, time to learn a little 101 about demons. Hope you did some studying." Vampire Harry announced, readjusting the sunglasses on his face as he closed the door of my bedroom before walking over to my bed and dumping the thick dusty aged leather bound books onto my mattress.

"Where'd you even get these?" I asked, scrunching my face up at the dust, trying not to sneeze as I checked out the books in my hand, flipping through the different prayers and enchantments against demons.

"I don't know, I just collected them over the years cause it always made me laugh at all the bullshit humans collected about demons. They look legit though right? With the whole dust and old leather but really they're all bullshit." He confessed, swiping them to the floor before he went on his knees in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders since I was sitting on my bed.

"There's only one book you need that will help you learn everything you need to know about demons." Vampire Harry informed in a serious tone before retrieving the small hand book from his back pocket, placing it on my lap.

"Demon hunting for dummies." I read out loud, holding the modern book in my hand as Vampire Harry stood to his feet, snapping his fingers and saying "Bingo" before he plopped down onto the rolling chair in front of me.

"All those prayers and enchantments, forget about it...." He said, dismissing the subject with a wave of his hand as he mimicked a New Yorker accent at the end of his sentence.

"To be honest I'm sort of classified as a demon as well- I mean kind of but there's a lot more demons out there who are way more powerful than me. Rule number one," He informed, leaning forward as he brought one finger up.

"Demons love to play mind tricks on humans. The human mind is so simple to toy with so it's the easiest way to get you. They usually do it through the eyes, like me." He explained with a shrug as if it was nothing making me give him a look.

"So... you can create like, hallucinations?" I asked with a raise of my brow.

"Some demons can. Mine is more of a... trance if you will." The Vampire said, playing with a few of my things on my desk.

"Demons can use a single feeling or emotion to take control of a human, that's what I do." He sighed, leaning back in the chair, his hands behind his head as he spun himself around.

"What emotion or feeling do you use?"

He gripped onto my desk to stop the spinning, a dazed look on his face as he mumbled a small "woahhh..." and shook his head a bit before he focused on me again, a smirk forming over his face.

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