Chapter 3: Burger King

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"By god it doesn't even work on horse power. What do you call this magnificent creature?"

I looked over at Prince Harry, my face scrunched with distress as I watched him repeatedly stroke the leather seats with wide amazed eyes, trying to move closer to the passenger window only for his body to be restrained back by his seat belt which I could tell was annoying him even though he tried to hide it.

"A car..." I answered, looking away as I blew out a small breath, hearing Teacher Harry in the back groan silently in his sleep.

It was actually Teacher Harry's car, I found his car keys in the pocket of his jeans and just kept clicking the button on it until I found his car lighting up and beeping in the parking lot.

"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant." Prince Harry echoed under his breath in disbelief, reclining and inclining his seat up and down with a wide smile, fully entertained as I tried to keep my attention on the road.

Okay, so all I have to do is find the rest of them, I already got three including the new addition Prince Harry who was aimlessly wandering around my school for no apparent reason.

"So, what were you doing at my school?" I questioned, looking down since Prince Harry was laying flat in his passenger seat, still playing with the recline button on the side.

"Funny you say that, I was lounging about in the marble floored living room of my castle with a handfull of beautiful maidens in silk waiting at my feet... and then, I find myself looking for you." He began, his British accent much stronger than the other two Harry's as he placed his hands behind the back of his head and sighed, staring intently at the ceiling of the car.

He seriously sounded like some rich multimillionare tycoon who laughed at different varieties of soft cheese and owned his own grape vineyard in the country side.

"Me?" I asked, flickering my gaze between him and the road.

"Yes," He confirmed, his chair still back as he shifted, resting on his elbow to study my face.

"I awoke in the strangest place, with miniscule blue doors everywhere-"


"And then this vision appeared in my head. Of you." He said in a slow voice, as if trying to piece all the parts together in his head while he spoke as I felt his intense gaze on me before a long silence fell upon us.

"Maiden, are you my father's whore?"

I swerved the car at his words, my eyes wide as I gripped onto the wheel with sweaty hands, my heart racing as the tires screeched, hearing Teacher Harry slide and hit the side of the car making him let out another groan before I regained control as Prince Harry watched me with wide eyes.

"My lady-"

"No, I am not your father's whore and no, I don't know what Narnia medieval world you come from but you don't call woman whores, not here, not there, not anywhere Sam I Am asshole." I snapped at him, shaking my head as Harry brought his chair back up.

"My lady I apologize, my intention was not to offend you, but adressing the fact you are not the mistress of my father is jolly blinding." He said, clasping his hands together as I scrunched my face while he grinned.


"It means excellent, superb, great- oh bloody hell woman! Your ankles!" He suddenly exclaimed, looking down at my legs in my seat with wide eyes as I leaned away from him in surprise.

"My ankles yes! They're there!" I yelled back at him, trying to control my driving as I looked at Prince Harry who was blushing furiously.

"My lady, your bare legs, your skin is showing for god's sake you're practically naked!" He flailed in his seat, averting his gaze from the skirt I was still wearing as he tried to cover his blushing face.

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